Farewell, paradise of delights, admirable city of the living God,
abode of peace, of glory, and happiness, for which we had been created,
and from which our crimes irretrievably banish us!
Farewell, Father of Mercies, whose children we no longer are;
divine Saviour, who recognizest us no more as thy brethren;
Spirit of love, whom we have compelled to hate us!
Farewell, adorable Redeemer,
who hast shed all thy blood in vain to preserve us from these miseries
to which our own madness has consigned us!
Farewell, incomparable Virgin, mother of all the living,
whom we choose to have as an enemy rather than as a mother;
holy patrons, who once obtained for us so many graces
which our own obduracy has rendered unavailing;
angel-guardians and protectors whom we have abandoned,
to unite ourselves with those monsters to whom we have now fallen a prey !
Farewell, you all whose memory is most tender and torments us most—
virtuous friends, whose advice and example we have despised—
Christian parents, who so often entreated us, with tears,
to have mercy upon ourselves, and we would not hear you—
beloved spouses, to whom we were united by such endearing ties,
from whom our infidelity has separated us for ever !
Farewell, all You happy inhabitants of heaven !
Hell claims us as its portion !
Farewell, bright day of eternity !
we descend into a night that shall never end.
Farewell, .joy, peace, consolation, hope—
farewell for ever !
Torments, desolation, and despair, must be our inheritance for ever more!"
At these words they sink into the burning prison-house,
which groans as it swallows up its prey.
The gates of the abyss are closed upon them,
never more to open.
All is consummated.
There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth
Link (here) to the portion of the homily entitled,