In the method of teaching Catechism to children suit yourselves to their age, so as sweetly to teach them the mysteries of our faith, and explain them according to the capacity and condition of your hearers. And commence these instructions by briefly exhorting those present to cause God by their prayers to be gracious to the holy Council. Every four days you will in turn visit the public hospitals at an hour which is not inconvenient to the sick, and besides hearing their confessions, try to console them and to assuage their sufferings, not merely by kind words, but with some little present, as far as you are able. And admonish them also to pray God for the Council which has been opened.
In every conversation you chance to have, spy out an occasion for that most important of all matters, to exhort people to repentance and to all other virtues, and ever keep before your eyes to seek the good, not of one only, but of the whole Christian world. So, as in discussions and arguments it is well to be brief; in order, however, to get men to follow virtue and to flee from vice, your speech should be long, and full of charity and kindness."
Link (here) to the portion of the book entitled, St. Ignatius of Loyola and the Early Jesuits. This is a portion of a letter from St. Ignatius to his brethren at the Council of Trent