St. Peter often had to make do with slender means and less significant supporters. He assessed the Catholic situation of his time succinctly: “Peter is asleep and Judas is awake!” Yet, despite the apparent hopelessness of the situation, St. Peter plodded along undaunted.Indeed, over the course of his own apostolic travels, Peter logged something like three miles for every one mile of St. Paul’s. Another biographer comments, “It was here that Canisius’ greatness showed itself—remaining self-assured, going on working apparently without hope and in a vacuum, continuing the lifelong task so faithfully and tirelessly that life itself was consumed in it.”
Link (here) to the Jesuit Scholastic Aaron Pidel's well written and thoughtful piece on one the most important Jesuits in the height of the Counter Reformation.
Aaron Pidel points out in his post a pivotal aspect in the Exercises. We are allowed through self reflection to realize just how awake "the Judas" can be in ourselves.
Read about Peter and Judas juxtaposed.
Matthew 26, Luke 22, Mark 15.
First Point. First: The Lord lets Himself be kissed by Judas and taken as a robber, to whom He said: "`You have come out as to a robber to apprehend Me with clubs and arms; when I was daily with you in the Temple teaching and you did not take Me."` And He saying: "`Whom seek ye?"` the enemies fell on the earth.
Second Point. Second: St. Peter wounded a servant of the High Priest, and the meek Lord said to Peter: "`Return thy sword into its place,'" and He healed the wound of the servant.
Third Point. Third: Left by His Disciples, He is taken to Annas, where St. Peter, who had followed Him from afar, denied Him once, and a blow was given Christ by one saying to Him: "`Answerest Thou the High Priest so?"`
I read a post some time ago on Canisius and commented on it. I found it so lovely that the author lauded Canisius' spiriual fortitude and humility over and above intellect. And the most significant: it was the ardor of this man's faith and persistence that yieleded such a great harvest. Not a fancy degree in Theology or Philosophy.
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