Jul 08, 2008 Permalink
By Bruce Tomaso
In this column for National Catholic Reporter, the Rev. John Dear, Jesuit priest, peace activist and, it turns out, dedicated vegetarian, writes about the moral implications of a diet based on consumption of meat. Every year, he says, 760 million tons of grain "go into the bellies of farmed animals, this to fatten them up so that sirloin, hamburgers and pork roast grace the tables of First-World people."Dear says "conscience dictates" that grain should stay where it's grown and "be fed to the local malnourished poor, not to the chickens destined for our KFC buckets."
In this column for National Catholic Reporter, the Rev. John Dear, Jesuit priest, peace activist and, it turns out, dedicated vegetarian, writes about the moral implications of a diet based on consumption of meat. Every year, he says, 760 million tons of grain "go into the bellies of farmed animals, this to fatten them up so that sirloin, hamburgers and pork roast grace the tables of First-World people."Dear says "conscience dictates" that grain should stay where it's grown and "be fed to the local malnourished poor, not to the chickens destined for our KFC buckets."
He also argues that meat-eating contributes to global warming, water pollution and the depletion of fossil fuel supplies.And that it leads to "the vicious torture" of livestock. "Animals have feelings," he writes, "they suffer; they have needs and desires. They were created by God to raise their families and breath fresh air; and if chickens to peck in the grass, if pigs to root in the soil. Today's farms don't let them do anything God designed them to do."
Christ ate the pascal lamb...
Christ was crucified, and you?....
Christ wasn't crucified for eating the pascal lamb, and he became the pascal lamb for us.
As God he could do nothing immoral and as God he ordered sacrifices of animals to be made to himself.
Using animals for food is given to us by God himself. You can sacrifice this privilege for the sake of economy, or for any other reason including just plain laziness, but you cannot make a moral issue out of something that God has ordained for our own good.
If you want to crucify a good catholic for that, bring out the nails, brother..
Christ ate the pascal lamb,sure, but also spoke about slavery and slaves as usual "things".So.....
How many slaves do you have?
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