Thursday, April 21, 2011

With Fr. James Kelly, S.J. On Manitoulin Island

There are many factors that get in the way of my seeing much of the rest of Manitoulin Island outside of our weekly visits to Anderson Lake - not having a license being the main one, but we're also pretty busy here most of the time, so that cuts down on potential traveling time!!-.  So, you can understand that I was rather looking forward to spending a day or 2 with Fr Jim Kelly, who has parishes in 4 other locations on the Island (M'Chiging, Gore Bay, Mindamoya and Sheshawaning. ) a few weekends ago. Besides the fact that I knew I'd get along with Jim amazingly well, I was eager to see some other parts of this beautiful Island, but also to visit other parishes. As attached as I am to Wiki, I needed to experience how other parishes live their faith on Manitoulin Island.
Link (here) to Dan Lackmen's blog A Beautiful Journey With Christ.


TonyD said...

Mr. Leckman asks himself "…shouldn't I trust that God wants me to go out there and inspire people with my passion rather than become a self effacing Jesuit who works assiduously for a better world …?"

Competency doesn’t mean that a particular talent should be used. We shouldn’t think that any particular talent represents something that God wants us to do. It’s easy to come up with a list of very talented people who use their talents when they should not.

We are a people of pride and self-indulgence. So incompetence is an integral part of our learning experience.

Similarly, claims that anxiety, worry, unhappiness, and fear are markers for evil are flawed. I’ve heard some claim that we can recognize demons by such markers – but that is unrealistic. We tend to forget that the intellectual analysis of a saint is still just intellectual analysis – as opposed to divine revelation.

Dorothy Pilarski said...

Is this the same Fr. James Kelly who was a chaplain at St. Joseph Health Centre in Toronto? I am looking to keep in touch with him. He spoke at my Mother's Group, had a great influence on my children. It would be a great blessing to contact him!

Anonymous said...

Yes it is the same Fr. Kelly

Anonymous said...

Fr. Kelly is amazing...excellent priest and a very kind man. I admire him greatly and know him very well...