For instance, according to new information divulged by the federal prosecutors, from June until his arrest in September 2009, computer records show that Douglas Perlitz was using a laptop computer to seek Haitian and black boys on s@xually oriented Internet sites and over 100 s&xual images of black boys where found on his computer.Perlitz's attorneys has file a motion supporting bond where he requests that the individuals putting up money on defendant Perlitz's behalf remain anonymous. But all children need protection and we are publicly campaigning against this demand for secrecy. This sort of crime against children flourishes in secrecy. Its prosecution must be done in the full light.
Every Douglas Perlitz's bond supporter ought to be able stand in front of the entire community and say they are standing by Mr. Perlitz' innocence. Too many times in Haiti's past we've seen, as we just saw with the arrest of ex-priest and accused pedophile John Duarte last week, that the authorities are willing to make arrests but, as for instance in the John Duarte pedophile case, categorically refuse to name the hotel in Port au Prince where Mr. Duarte was having sex with children. This is exactly the sort of thing Save the Children did last year when it announced that UN peacekeepers in Haiti and NGO workers were s%xually abusing Haiti's children, but did not name the UN peacekeepers nor the NGO charities involved.
Perlitz ran a residence for humanitarian aid workers in Haiti, as well as, the school for boys. Our investigation show an entwine international network in Haiti and a systematic cover up, it seems, by the authorities to keep this matter as "isolated incidents" when it is not. (See, for example - The 'Father Teresa' of Haiti – Armand Huard - was convicted on sex abuse charges against minors in Haiti orphanage • Two Canadians Charged with Sex Abuse in Haiti orphanage • Former Windsor priest John Duarte arraigned on child-molestation charges • Sex scandal in Haiti hits U.N. mission • and, A Swiss accused pedophile was arrested in Haiti.)
Link (here) to the full blog post at The Haitian Blogger
Jesuit Sex Tourism Scandal
The [October 2009 alleged] salacious acts in Haiti by Douglas Perlitz, who was deeply associated with the Jesuit University in Farifield, CT point to a need to investigate the potential for sex abuse of children in the programs of each Jesuit University that has links to humanitarian work in a foreign country.
Each Jesuit University in the USA needs to immediately inform the directors of university-related committees, which have links to humanitarian work in foreign countries, of the charges in the Perlitz-Fairfield-Haiti scandal to prevent this sort of [alleged] sexual gratification from tarnishing other Jesuit Universities.
The [alleged] salacious acts by Douglas Perlitz are a reminder of the recently disclosed horrendous sex acts against native Alaskans by members of the Jesuit Order, which responded to lawsuits by claiming bankruptcy. The acts are also a reminder of Raymond Lahey, 69, who resigned as bishop of Antigonish, Nova Scotia, in September 2009 after customs found child p-orn on his computer and documentation of his travels to countries known for sex tourism.
Fr. Thomas Smolich, at the Jesuit USA headquarters in Washington, DC, should act immediately to protect third-world children.
nice post. thanks.
It can't truly work, I think this way.
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