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Pope Leo XII |
In 2008, the faculty at the Jesuit Georgetown University in Washington, DC, gave $179,000 to candidate Barack Obama. Chronicle of Higher Education ranked Georgetown among the top ten academic donors to him. Georgetown's largesse continues to flow to the Obama campaign in 2012. In fact, the school's in-kind donations may be far more valuable than campaign cash. Georgetown law school student Sandra Fluke is contributing activism to the campaign as a combatant in what Obama calls a GOP "war on women." And now more help is on the way: Last week Georgetown announced that its public policy institute will honor Kathleen Sebelius, one of the architects of Obama's contraceptive mandate, as a commencement speaker at graduation ceremonies on May 18. Orthodox Catholics, still reeling from Notre Dame's conferral of honors on Obama at its 2009 graduation ceremonies, are outraged. The Cardinal Newman Society, which monitors secularized Catholic colleges and universities, is circulating a petition that says in part:
It is scandalous and outrageous that America's oldest Catholic and Jesuit university has elected to provide this prestigious platform to a publicly "pro-choice" Catholic who is most responsible for the Obama administration's effort to restrict the Constitution's first freedom -- the right to free exercise of religion -- while threatening the survival of many Catholic and other religious colleges and universities, schools, charities, hospitals and other apostolates.Georgetown insults all Americans by this honor. The selection is especially insulting to faithful Catholics and their bishops, who are engaged in the fight for religious liberty and against abortion. The contrast is stark between Georgetown University and those faithful Catholic colleges and universities that have stood for faith and freedom.
The Cardinal Newman Society has petitioned Washington, D.C. Cardinal Donald Wuerl to block the invitation. Thus far he has declined. "Chieko Noguchi, director of communications for Washington's Cardinal Donald W. Wuerl, said the cardinal had no comment on Georgetown's announcement," reports the Catholic News Service. The faculty at Georgetown seeks to help Obama not only by cheering his aides but also by rebuking his opponents. Congressman Paul Ryan, after merely showing up for a talk at Georgetown in late April, found himself on the receiving end of a blistering lecture on the meaning of Catholic teaching from professors not known for upholding it. Moreover, these professors saw no irony in rebuking Ryan for an insufficient regard for "social justice" while they prepared to honor an HHS secretary famous for endorsing abortion, a far greater injustice than anything the congressman has proposed even under the most biased reading of his budget bill. "Catholic Social Justice" is a euphemism for the creeping socialism of the Democratic Party. The popes of old would have found such an equation puzzling. Pope Leo XIII held that the greatest enemy of the poor were socialists.
Link (here) to read the full article at Real Clear Religion by George Nuemyer
...and yet Catholics turned out in droves for B. Hussein Obama in 2008.
The Catholic Church teaches infallible doctrine, both in faith and morals.
This infallible teaching is done by the Church's extraordinary and by her ordinary universal authority or magisterium.
The grave sinfulness of contraception is taught infallibly by the Church's ordinary universal teaching authority.
Therefore, those who defend contraception forfeit their claim to being professed Catholics.
Consequently, those who persist in their defense of contraception, deprive themselves of the divine graces which are reserved to bona fide members of the Roman Catholic Church.
--Fr. John Hardon SJ Servant of God
Contraception is Fatal to the Faith
One would have to conclude, based on the clear argument as formulated, that we need a new petition: Strip Georgetown University of the name Catholic.
"7Woe to the world because of scandals.
For it must needs be that scandals come:
but nevertheless woe to that man by whom the scandal cometh
14 Even so it is not the will of your Father, who is in heaven,
that one of these little ones should perish.
15 But if thy brother shall offend thee, go, and rebuke him
between thee and him alone.
If he shall hear thee,
thou shalt gain thy brother.
16 And if he will not hear thee,
take with thee one or two more:
that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may stand.
17 And if he will not hear them: tell the church.
And if he will not hear the church,
let him be to thee as the heathen and publican."
Matt. xvii, 7, 14-17
President John J. DeGioia
Office of the President
204 Healy Hall
37th & "O" Streets, NW
Washington, DC 20057-1789
Dear President DeGioia:
We write as Americans of many different faiths, asking you to rescind the invitation to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to serve as Commencement Speaker to the Georgetown Public Policy Institute.
Secretary Sebelius has declared that she is “in a war” with those whose religious beliefs about abortion and contraception are different from her own. Georgetown should not associate itself with this attack on religious liberty.
In many ways, Georgetown’s story is America’s story. Georgetown was founded by John Carroll, the son of Irish immigrants who grew up to be the nation’s first Catholic bishop. He could not start a Catholic university in his native Maryland, because the state had strict laws prohibiting Catholic education. So Carroll came to Washington in search of religious freedom, and he founded Georgetown University there in 1789—the same year Congress finalized the language for our cherished Bill of Rights.
Like the colonists before him, and like so many others since, Carroll had to go to a new place to find religious freedom. With that freedom, Georgetown University has thrived.
That is why it is so disappointing that Georgetown would be willing to honor Secretary Sebelius as a Commencement speaker. Secretary Sebelius’s mandate that all employers provide insurance coverage for free sterilizations, contraception and abortion-inducing drugs is the height of religious intolerance. It will force thousands of religious institutions and charities to make an impossible choice: either give up your religious beliefs or stop providing food, shelter, healthcare, and education to those who need it most.
The mandate is a betrayal of the religious liberty upon which this nation was founded. It is a violation of our fundamental freedoms enshrined in our Bill of Rights. It is a rejection of the very principles that created room for Georgetown’s founding in 1789, and its thriving existence since.
This type of religious intolerance has no place in America. It has no place at an elite religious university like Georgetown. And it certainly has no place being held out as an example to your students as they begin careers in public service.
Accordingly, we respectfully ask that you rescind the invitation to Secretary Sebelius.
What does Fr. Hardon have to say about clergy who engage in sexual abuse?
Why don't you sign your name?
"The spirit of error always seeks to hide. What I'm sharing with you is things to look for in people, people who are the agents of the evil spirit. They always seek to hide; they are never fully open. The spirit of error fears to be identified. So they will have commissions or committees or organizations or this group or that group. Who's behind it? Nobody knows. It tries to conceal, it avoids openness and frankness."
John Hardon SJ
Catholics Plead with DC Cardinal Wuerl: Condemn Sebelius Invitation, Insist that it be Revoked
Contact: Juan Lepanto, 304-289-3700
WASHINGTON, May 8, 2012 /Christian Newswire/ -- The Archbishop of Washington DC, Cardinal Wuerl, has the duty to publicly rebuke Georgetown University for its brazen cooperation with those who are committed to the destruction of innocent babies and the suppression of religious freedom.
Therefore, we have respectfully asked the Archbishop to issue a statement to the effect that:
In 2004 the USCCB publicly directed "Catholic Institutions" to not give honors or platforms to "those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles."
His Eminence upholds the Excommunication placed on Sebelius;
His Eminence condemns the invitation for Sebelius to address the Georgetown graduates;
His Eminence requests that Georgetown revoke her invitation to speak at the Commencement Exercises;
If Georgetown refuses, let it be known that they are in formal cooperation with those who murder babies and attack the Church.
Randall Terry states:
"Millions of Catholic faithful will rejoice in such valor; but, conversely, millions will grieve if he fails to speak boldly against this outrage."
"Despite these admissions, Hardon concluded that his fellow Jesuit's actions were 'objectively defensible'. . . and told McGuire's bosses that he 'should be prudently allowed to engage in priestly ministry.'"
Why don't you sign your name?
"The spirit of error always seeks to hide. What I'm sharing with you is things to look for in people, people who are the agents of the evil spirit. They always seek to hide; they are never fully open. The spirit of error fears to be identified. So they will have commissions or committees or organizations or this group or that group. Who's behind it? Nobody knows. It tries to conceal, it avoids openness and frankness."
John Hardon SJ
"The spirit of error always seeks to hide."
Gee, that would seem to apply to Fr. Hardon. Why can't you admit that he made a mistake--a terrible one--in judgement? This sainthood talk about him seems farfetched. . .he needs our prayers.
And, on a much, much less important note, why are you trying so desperately to learn my name?
Why don't you sign your name?
"The spirit of error always seeks to hide. What I'm sharing with you is things to look for in people, people who are the agents of the evil spirit. They always seek to hide; they are never fully open. The spirit of error fears to be identified. So they will have commissions or committees or organizations or this group or that group. Who's behind it? Nobody knows. It tries to conceal, it avoids openness and frankness."
John Hardon SJ
Edward MontgomeryEdward B. Montgomery (born July 3, 1955[1]) is an American economist, academic, and politician. As of April 2009, he is a member of the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry and Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers in the Barack Obama administration.[2]
On August 15, 2010, Montgomery became the Dean of the Georgetown Public Policy Institute at Georgetown University. [3]
Montgomery graduated from Taylor Allderdice High School, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1973. He earned his bachelor's degree magna cum laude from Pennsylvania State University in 1976 and his master's and doctoral degrees in economics from Harvard University in 1980 and 1982, respectively.[1][4] His doctoral dissertation was titled "Tests of Alternative Hypotheses on the Decline in the Personal Saving Rate".[4]
From 1981 to 1990, Montgomery served as an assistant/associate professor in the Department of Economics at Michigan State University. In 1990, he was appointed at the rank of associate professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Maryland, College Park, where he became a full professor in 1992. From 1997 to 1999 Montgomery served as chief economist of the United States Department of Labor in the administration of President Bill Clinton. From 2000 to 2001, he served as Deputy Secretary of Labor, the second highest position in that department. From 2003 to 2009, he served as dean of the College of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland, College Park.[4][5]
In late 2008, after the election of Barack Obama as President of the United States, Montgomery led the presidential transition team concerned with the Department of Labor.[2] In February 2009, he was named by Obama to the Presidential Task Force on the Auto Industry. On March 30, 2009, Obama appointed Montgomery as Director of Recovery for Auto Communities and Workers. This position oversees the health of the struggling United States automobile industry as a result of the Automotive industry crisis of 2008–2009.[5]
Montgomery married in 1994 and has three children.[1]
What is your real name Maria?
Oh, my name is Ed.
Now that that is settled let's get back to Fr. Hardon and his serious breach of moral judgement.
We are making progress, Ed ;)
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