Archbishop Terrence Prendergast, S.J. circulated a letter recently asking that everyone kneel for the entire Eucharistic prayer from
"Holy, holy, holy" to the conclusion
"Let us proclaim the mystery of faith"—about five minutes in all. Currently, some congregations stand for most of the prayer, kneeling only as the priest prepares holy communion. Some stand for the whole thing; others kneel throughout. Archbishop Prendergast said in his letter:
"I have noted a wide range of practices … which present a lack of harmony in a matter where we should be united—the worship of God. I know that it may not be easy for some to accept. However, I am convinced its implementation will bring blessings to our archdiocese and I invite your co-operation with this directive."
Link (here) to Fr. Z's full post.
The General Instruction of the Roman Missal (here)
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