" Behold this saving water, which in virtue of the merits of Jesus Christ, washes and purifies the soul, rendering it brilliant as the sun. Behold the fountain of grace which makes men, children of God, and gives them a right to the kingdom of »His glory. To obtain this favor we must repent of our sins, renounce the devil and the maxims of the world. Will you not do this with all your heart? Do you believe in Jesus Christ ? Will you enter His Church and receive baptism ? "He repeated these words two or three times; and when the Negro had answered properly, he was immediately baptized. After this, in order to distinguish him from those not baptized, he put round his neck a medal bearing the names of Jesus and Mary. Whilst thus employed, were he informed that any one of the sick was in danger, he hastened immediately to him. It is impossible to say how many souls he snatched from the devil by this prompt and timely succor; for many died instantly after baptism. On such occasions he immediately knelt down to thank God for deigning to employ him in the salvation of those unfortunates who without this grace would have been irretrievably lost.
Link (here) to page 64 in the book entitled The Life of St. Peter Claver, S.J.
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