Our Lady of the Wayside, we hail thee with acclaim.
List fiom above,
While filial love
Breathes forth thy holy name.
Ah, name most sweet!
Ah, name most meet!
Guide of our wandering feet,
Our Lady of the Wayside, wide be thy gracious fame.
Our Lady of the Wayside, by sainted heroes taught,
We seek the aid
For which they prayed
And not in vain they sought—
That on our way
We may not stray,
But, through thee, save for aye,
Our Lady of the Wayside, the soul thy dear Son bought.
Our Lady of the Wayside ! drear shadows fall around
Our path beside
Life's ebbing tide :
Oh, may thy help abound
To guard from ill
And lead us still,
With step unfaltering, till,
Our Lady of the Wayside, our home in Heaven be found.
John Hughes, S.J.
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