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Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J. |
“The Vatican also needs to do its job. It appears to have no problem
investigating nuns and theologians, but investigating mismanagement by a
bishop is not a priority,” the Rev. Thomas Reese, a well-known Jesuit
commentator, told a symposium last month at Jesuit-run Santa Clara
University to mark the 10th anniversary of the Dallas charter. “Even when a bishop is indicted, no one has the sense to tell him to
take a leave of absence until the case is over,” Reese said. Priests
themselves also remain upset at the focus on their ranks to the exclusion of their bosses: “In the Dallas Charter, all consequences fall
on priests. Nothing is in there for bishops. Diocesan priests are on
their own,” one priest said in a recent survey of clergy attitudes. Even
10 years later, concerns remain that a lack of bishops’ accountability
undermines the church’s credibility with the public or, worse, leaves
children at risk:
Link (here) to The Washington Post to read the full article
So, I am a little confused, Padre. How does all this work? While the Society bemoans the ineffectual behavior of Bishops and the ostensible refusal of the Church to hold Bishops to account for their malfeasance, the Society simultaneously campaigns for the "civil right" to engage in sodomy. Anyone else feeling a little dizzy? Note well that the Society has dished out more money that all other orders combined in payment for their right to sodomize children under their care, and, we are still counting. All the while, the Society is busy publicly defending Sr. Farley's peerless insight into the virtues of masturbation, homosexual behavior, homosexual union, pre-marital sexual relations, divorce and contraception. You are worried about the behavior of Bishops? Are you kidding me, Father?
Forget theology, queer or otherwise. The curia ought to mandate enrollment in a basic Catechism course for the Society so they can re-acquaint themselves with the truths of the faith.
Central Java: premiere of Soegija, documentary on bishop, a “national hero”
by Mathias Hariyadi
The film focuses on the life and mission of Mgr. Albertus Soegijapranata SJ, first indigenous and native bishop celebrated in the struggle for independence. Three years of study, two months of writing and filming, which involved 2,700 actors and actresses. Polemics of the Islamists: it’s an excuse to spread Christianity in a Muslim country.
Jakarta (AsiaNews) – The Indonesian Catholics can now watch the premiere of the documentary film “Soegija”, centered on the life of the deceased “national hero” Msgr. Albertus Soegijapranata SJ, the first indigenous native to hold the office of bishop of the Apostolic Vicariate of Semarang. The film is produced by SAV Puskat Yogyakarta, an audio-visual company set up by the Jesuits, and is shot almost entirely in central Java. Two months of preparations needed to shoot the scenes, while the camera work lasted about a month and involved 2,700 actors and actresses, foreigners and Indonesians. However, the film has sparked a “dispute” with the Islamic fundamentalist wing, which speaks of a “gimmick” of the Catholic Church – the film – to spread Christianity in a country with overwhelming Muslim majority.
Bishop Albertus is known and revered among the faithful under the motto “100% Catholic, 100% Indonesian.” The making of the documentary took three years of study and research, undertaken first by Jesuit priest Fr. Gregorius Subanar SJ who received his doctorate at the Gregorian University. And now, to the delight of the local Catholic community, the premiere is taking place in theaters and cinemas.
Bishop Albertus Soegijapranata SJ was born November 25, 1896 in Surakarta, in Central Java. he was an early student of the Dutch Jesuit missionary Fr. van Lith SJ, who has sown the seeds of Christianity in the province in the early ’900. Ordained a bishop in 1940, he is considered a national hero and proclaimed that Sukarno, first president of the newly formed Republic of Indonesia in the aftermath of achieving independence. The prelate received the honorary title just three days after his death, which occurred in Holland in 1963, in a moment of brief vacation from the work of Vatican II.
The first native indigenous bishop he defended the invasion of the local Church against Japanese troops during the conflict, in the years 1942 to 1945. He openly defied the soldiers, urging them to cut off his head rather than give in order to leave the cathedral of Semarang. Achieved independence from Tokyo declared by First President Sukarno, Msgr. Albertus Soegijapranata SJ immediately requested the recognition of the country at the Vatican, his effort was rewarded by Pope Pius XII and the Holy See, among the first foreign nations to recognize the independence of Indonesia in the international scene.
Soegija (a Film by Garin Nugroho)
A film by Garin Nugroho about the life of Mgr. Albertus Soegijapranata, S.J., the 1st Indonesian native bishop and also a national hero, which will be released in all movie theatres in Indonesia, in June 7, 2012. Whether Garin Nugroho, or Nirwan Dewanto, the actor who played as Soegija are not a Catholic.
Nirwan Dewanto is also not a real movie actor, he was known as an Indonesian Humanist. The tecnical problem, was because I’m not an actor, said Nirwan. Nirwan was choosen by Father F.X. Murti Hadi Wijayanto S.J., the film producer, due to Nirwan has similiar face like Mgr. Soegija
Nirwan Dewanto was willing to work hard to act by studying lots of Catholic literatures, including learned the Latin, Greek, and Dutch languages. Besides English, Mgr. Soegija was capable of mastering those 3 languages.
The Soegija film controversy was formerly discussed in the internet and through Blackberry Messenger (BBM). Many Indonesian sceptic people who haven’t see the film, considered that this film will affect to one’s faith after he watched it, a Christianitation. Such a short minded thinking, living in the country with so many differences, races, faiths, cultures and languages, with Bhinneka Tunggal Ika (Differences but one) as its motto. Don’t call yourself as an Indonesian if you have that kind of thought!
Butet Kertaradjasa, one of the film actors also deplored the existence of such opinions. There will be no one’s faith is changed simply because of watching a work of art. I feel pity for people who think so shallow. It similar to people who buy food, then ask what is the chef’s faith? Had the chaf been circumcised or not? That’s very funny. I think the rumor was a free promotional ads, said Butet in the interview at the Gran Melia Hotel, Jakarta, May 16, 2012. This film purpose is to foster the values of nationalism, humanity and how to behave in an unstable situation, he added.
This 12 billion IDR budget film is inspired by Mgr. Soegija’s diary during his nomination as apostolic vicar of Semarang in 1940 and the end of the war with the Dutch in 1949. Mgr. Soegija’s fight was not phisically, but by his articles that had sent to foreign media, or so called as silent diplomacy.
The film begins in the courtyard of the Church of Gedangan, in Semarang. Soegijapranata has just been ordained Apostolic Vicar, upon ratification by Mgr. Montini who would later become Pope Paul VI. Indonesia was still occupied by the Dutch, but in 1941, the Dutch surrendered to Japan, which begun to conquer South East Asia.
The Indonesians welcomed the Japanese as their saviour. Mgr. Soegija knows everything what had already happened in the Church in Japan. He had predicted that soon the saviour would do the same as the Dutch. Torture Indonesian people with force labour called romusa, causing millions of deaths by starvation, and teaching native Indonesian to raise weapons to build their defense against the U.S. Allied Forces. Though the last one has benefit for Indonesia to build Tentara Nasional Indonesia (Indonesian National Army).
Mgr. Soegija’s memorable words was when he broadcasted on the radio in 1947.
We are Indonesian Catholics side with the republic will achieve a real and complete independence
Mgr. Soegija’s wish came true on December 27, 1947, when the Dutch was willing to recognized Negara Kesatuan Republik Indonesia, the United States of the Republic of Indonesia.
it does raise some interesting questions about obedience doesn't it?
maria: given your vehemence regarding the jesuits, i am surprised you bother to visit this website. i work for a jesuit educational institution, i can assure that your summary is not entirely accurate
perhaps this online retreat may be helpful to further your understanding of what the jesuits are about:
it's unfortunate : so many catholics preoccupied with sexual behaviors ( i wonder what a psychologist would think of that?)when there are many more pressing problems that require our immediate attention and passion:
it makes me feel dizzy :
catholics more concerned about masturbation than depleted uranium, for example
Thanks much, but I was introduced to the Jesuits when Fr. McFadden read Dr. Seusss to me.
The Catholics preoccupied w/ sexual behavior are primarily clerics, notably Jesuits, and Sisters who cannot and will not accept Church doctrine. They parade their dissent in the publice square. Hence, we are forced to have these unseemly conversations. We are obligated, as faithful Catholics, to defend the faith.
Maria is seriously deluding herself--and assuming mantle of "defender of the Faith." How arrogant.
Admonishing the sinner and instructing the ignorant are spiritual works of mercy, not arrogance.
Then I must admonish you Sawyer for blasphemy.
The article makes the observation that "authority without accountability is tyranny".
But as a community we have allowed, and even encouraged, such systems. The business world operates based on profit with essentially no consideration for the overall benefit of society. People "earn" at vastly different rates in an economic system designed to create both billionaires and the poor. We embrace companies that destroy society. We live in a world which provides enough for a good life for everyone, and we instead allow systems to be set up that benefit some at the expense of others. And very few who are reading this have a government that represents them at all. For most of us, only the very wealthy influence the laws.
God generally acknowledges the values created by a community -- even when those values are very different from His own. And even when those values are tyrannical and created through inaction.
There is nothing wrong with Bishops being accountable only to the Pope. But who is the Pope accountable to, and what obligation does that imply? As Catholics we have an obligation to love our neighbors.
There are very many systems that are more acceptable to God. He even offers to suggest some to those who would hear, but we don't live in a society with an effective community to apply that advice. Instead, we create role models of the powerful, the wealthy, the beautiful, the eloquent, and those who claim to represent God.
If we wanted to, we could easily solve these problems. Processes could be created to get feedback from everyone. Systems could be set up to identify those we trust to make different types of decisions. Decisions could be made with real input from those with different types of expertise. We could and should construct systems worthy of our trust.
God is very concerned with free will. Why aren't we?
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