Archbishop Hughes to boycott Xavier commencement over abortion rights honoree Donna Brazile
by Bruce Nolan and John Pope, The Times-Picayune Thursday April 23, 2009 professor
New Orleans Archbishop Alfred Hughes is boycotting Xavier's commencement because the university is honoring Democratic political strategist Donna Brazile,
who supports abortion rights for women.
Archbishop Alfred Hughes has told Xavier University he will not attend its graduation ceremonies next month because he objects to the university's decision to award an honorary degree to Donna Brazile, the veteran Democratic political strategist who supports abortion rights.
Hughes told Xavier President Norman Francis of his decision by letter in which expressed his disappointment with the university, even as he acknowledged its legacy of education among African Americans.
Hughes also praised Francis personally "for your remarkable record of public service."
In response, a statement from the university said, "From the founding of Xavier 84 years ago, our institution has promoted respect for the dignity, well-being and the protection of life for all persons."
Brazile, a Catholic and a native of Kenner, is a familiar advocate on behalf of Democratic issues, working at the national level in support of Democratic values that include defense of abortion rights and pursuit of embryonic-stem-cell research.
The Catholic church opposes those policies, believing that both take human lives.
She is a familiar television face as a political contributor on CNN and ABC, and writes for Roll Call and Ms. magazines.
After years of growing political experience, Brazile managed Al Gore's unsuccessful 2000 presidential campaign, becoming the first black woman to hold such a position. She is the founder of Brazile and Associates, a consulting, grass roots advocacy and training firm a few blocks from the White House.
"As life long devoted Catholic, I am sorry the archbishop will boycott this celebration of the class of 2009," Brazile said by email. "I will remain faithful to the Catholic Church and my Christian faith which keeps me grounded."
Brazile will give the commencement address in addition to receiving an honorary degree. Oscar-winning actor Forest Whitaker will also receive an honorary degree.
Xavier spokesman Warren Bell said Francis makes the selection and invites the speaker, working off a list of preferences prepared by student leaders.
Francis said Hughes' decision "surprised me a little."
"I make the best decisions possible. I think we've been as Christian and Catholic as we can be."
Xavier's decision to honor her breaks with Catholic bishops' determination to present a consistent front of opposition to abortion rights.
In a 2004 document "Catholics in Political Life," they urged that Catholic institutions, including independent Catholic colleges like Xavier, "should not honor those who act in defiance of our fundamental moral principles. The should not be given awards, honors or platforms which would suggest support for their actions."
Three years ago, Xavier awarded an honorary degree to President Barack Obama, then an Illinois senator and rising Democratic star with a record for supporting abortion rights, without objection from Hughes.
But archdiocesan spokeswoman Sarah Comiskey said Hughes had not been aware of the honor to Obama, which came while the bishops' common pledge was in force.
At that time, Francis said, Obama had not announced his candidacy.
"It could be that it flew under the radar screen," he said.
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