Rediscovering our Charism
Many Sparks, One Fire: Many Stories, One History
3. We Jesuits, then find our identity not alone but in companionship: in companionship with the Lord, who calls, and in companionship with others who share his call. Its root is to be found in Saint Ignatius's experience at La Sorta. There "placed" with God's Son and called to serve him as he carries his cross, Ignatius and the first companions respond by offering themselves for the service of faith to the Pope, Christ's Vicar on Earth. The Son, the one image of God, Christ Jesus, unites them and sends them out to the whole world. He is the image at the very heart of Jesuit existence today; and it is his image that we wish to communicate to these the best we can.
Link to the full text of the Decrees (here)
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