Listen to the 45 minute interview (here)
Our Lady's Warriors on Sister Schneiders controversial positions (here).
A post (here) on the same subject by the Jesuit Fr. James Martin at America's, In All Things.
Photo is of Laurie Goodstein
" In light of Ignatius' 'Two Standards' and 'The Mystries Done From The Garden To The House Of Annas', at any moment we can be Judas or Peter, a Christian life can be a fine line."
It is important that we use kind words. It is also important that Catholics both religious and laity know what is going on so that they can make good judgments. Sister Sandra teaches at a very important Jesuit School of Theology. I have meet a Jesuit who had attended this school and had echoed Sister Sandra controversial statements into my own ear. This Jesuit did not last two years past ordination. Now if vocations are such an issue for the Society and they want to get some spiritual value for their investment. It might be wise to reevaluate what the young men in formation are being taught with the full weight of the Society behind it. A disordered new ordained Jesuit with this stuff swirling in his head is not very effective.
I totally agree that what is happening there must be brought to light. It is very manipulative,and devilish in origin. I just feel that homosexuals and lesbians have no real visible place of affirmation within the Church,as souls Jesus loves and died for and this perceived prejudice encourages them to seek pseudo acceptance from the world,which then moves on to sinful actions.I also know of suicides and deep depressions in people who truly feel damned and unloved,particularly by God.Their whole spiritual life is spent in Gethsemane,but the cup does not pass.May they find Christ there,and comfort from the ministering angels.Lord have Mercy on us all.
runn spel cheque
Shadow: Do you agree with Anon, except his mal-characterization of the lady? And, did the Pope appoint you inquisitor, or did you appoint yourself?
Anon (probably a 'he') should replace "miserable old dyke" with "sorry-assed whited sepulchre."
Did I end any sentence with a preposition? I did not attend a jesuit skool. I usually end them with four-letter words.
T. Shaw
I noticed that the Church objects to Reiki (energetic healing) being used by nuns.
I took a course in Medical QiGong, and we were all pretty skeptical until we did practice where we sensed others energy. We found, as a class, that we detected consistent fields for particular individuals.
Later, when our class began diagnosing patients, we were further amazed when our diagnosis was consistent with patient problems.
If a Jesuit had been in this class, should he have dismissed the experience based on the Committee on Doctrine? (http://www.usccb.org/dpp/Evaluation_Guidelines_finaltext_2009-03.pdf)
T. Shaw
I don't understand the half of what 'anon probably a he' said,as I didn't attend Jesuit school either.His comment about the nun in question hit on a wound I carry for homosexuals and lesbians in general.This has been caused by meeting many very unhappy people,and noticing that they have no visible voice in the Church.The Pope hasn't appointed me,but I don't think I spoke in any way that would be against Church teaching.Had he not made the insulting remark,I may have looked more deeply into his other statements,but his prejudice rendered his opinion void of further exploration,for me.He excludes the isolated children of God.I am sorry you were prevented from expressing the end of your comment in your preferred manner,(with a four letter word).As for your name calling of the Nun,"sorry-assed whited sepulchre" who appointed you to insult people,not the Pope,surely?
Here are the positions of the Church.
From the time of the Second Vatican Council II until today, various documents of the Magisterium, and especially the Catechism of the Catholic Church, have confirmed the teaching of the Church on homosexuality. The Catechism distinguishes between homosexual acts and homosexual tendencies.
Regarding acts, it teaches that Sacred Scripture presents them as grave sins. Tradition has constantly considered them as intrinsically immoral and contrary to the natural law. Consequently, under no circumstances can they can be approved.
Deep-seated homosexual tendencies, which are found in a number of men and women, are also objectively disordered and, for those same people, often constitute a trial. Such persons must be accepted with respect and sensitivity. Every sign of unjust discrimination in their regard should be avoided. They are called to fulfill God’s will in their lives and to unite to the sacrifice of the Lord’s Cross the difficulties they may encounter.
In the light of such teaching, this dicastery, in accord with the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, believes it necessary to state clearly that the Church, while profoundly respecting the persons in question,9 cannot admit to the seminary or to holy orders those who practice homosexuality, present deep-seated homosexual tendencies or who support the so-called ‘gay culture’.
This from the latest Vatican on Homosexuality.
and here
Did you know that this year the total number of Jesuit ordinations WORLD WIDE was TWELVE. Yes WORLD WIDE. I mention this startling fact because it was brought up in conversation in a Jesuit parish during the week-end. When asked what the number was likely to be the general figure of 100-200 was estimated. Then came the astounding statistic: TWELVE. I mention this in the light of Joseph Fromm's anecdote about his Jesuit priest-friend who left two years after ordination. The pattern is recurring due largely to bad formation.
As for Sister Schneiders, I don't think she would mind in the least being described as a dyke but would not like to be considered miserable and old. In her mind she is for ever perennial and young, a fearless crusader in a just cause, with a clamoring 'child within' who never stops crying and demanding attention. She belongs to a generation of American female religious who use their sexuality as a weapon to belabour the Church and baptize their activities under the title of social justice. Mercifully, they are a dying breed with no successors.
I have met American and British female religious of her generation who have no difficulties with their sexuality and enjoy applying it in a bullying, irresponsible, even brutal way. They deserve few tears, Shadowlands, because they are not the mythological wounded victims of prejudice that you imagine. Remember that she speaks from a secure position of institutional authority and financial security given to her by the Church she despises and which she openly recognizes merely as a veneer. She is doing well in her cosy, insulated role and probably enjoys the attention her observations receive. For people like her publicity is a drug. So shed no tears for her but instead remember those she has harmed by her teaching and example and weep for them.
That is why I wish Joseph Fromm would not continually draw attention to her utterances. Good Jesuit, bad Jesuit. Who cares any more? With a demographic collapse on the horizon the Order will soon be so small that it will be unable to maintain its traditional apostolates, still less attract new recruits.
Great wok...keep going..
Thanks for sharing...
Entertainment at one stop
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