(h/t InsightScoop)
Every couple of months, with amazing (if wearying) regularity, some of the Usual Suspects start carrying on about the ordination of women. What passes for the media these days slavishly fawns, a few jabs are aimed at the mean ol' Vatican and all those mean ol' geezers in the Vatican and so the long day wears on.
(Every time I see such articles I want to say "C'mon! Sing along! You know the words!" But, being a level-headed sort, I don't.)
The problem, natch, is that it proves Twain's aphorism about a lie traveling twice around the world while the truth puts on its shoes. Still, the truth will eventually catch up.
Here is a start, penned by the French Jesuit, the very estimable (R.I.P.) Fr. Jean Galot, SJ.
Link (here)
Thanks Joe and Karen
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