Oh, sure, I’m a dreamer. But, really, it’s so pathetic. And, of course, there has to be an obligatory complaint issued by Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J.: But Benedict, however “charming,” is still stifling theologians who challenge ideas about Catholicism, says Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest and former editor of the Jesuit-owned magazine America. Reese lost that job just after Ratzinger was elected pope; conservative Catholics had long complained that America gave too much voice to dissenting views on sensitive issues from sexuality to salvation. Reese, now a senior fellow at the Woodstock Theological Center at Georgetown University, says Catholic theologians are concerned that
“the Vatican insists we continue to explain the gospel in the language of the 13th century.”No, not at all, Fr. Reese: the Vatican simply asks that you proclaim the gospel in keeping with the clear teaching of the Church. And the comment about the 13th century is nonsense, as Fr. Reese has to know (and if he doesn’t, well…). Has he read anything by the Holy Father? For example, Pope Benedict wrote the following in Spe Salvi: A self-critique of modernity is needed in dialogue with Christianity and its concept of hope. In this dialogue Christians too, in the context of their knowledge and experience, must learn anew in what their hope truly consists, what they have to offer to the world and what they cannot offer. Flowing into this self-critique of the modern age there also has to be a self-critique of modern Christianity, which must constantly renew its self-understanding setting out from its roots. (par 22)
Read Amy Welborn's entire post (here)
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