was prepared under the general editorship of (pictured) Walter M. Abbott, S.J. It contains an extensive introductory note on the translation provided by the translation editor, Msgr. Joseph Gallagher.The introduction to the volume was written by Lawrence Cardinal Shehan, Archbishop of Baltimore, but it also includes a brief introductory essay by Bishop Reuben H. Mueller, President of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, entitled “An Adventure in Ecumenical Cooperation”.
Each document is prefaced and followed by comments from one scholar or another—priest or lay, Catholic or non-Catholic—except that the majority of the introductions are by Jesuits.The documents were presented in a kind of logical order, beginning with the Dogmatic Constitution on the Church, and ending with the Declaration on Religious Freedom. The edition was published by the Jesuit-run America Press.
Link (here) to the full piece at Catholic Culture
Fr. Walter Abbott was a good, kind and generous man. He was a faithful son of St. Ignatius and tremendous source of knowledge.
Even in his 80s, he was the "youngest" person I'd ever met, in that he had a wonderful and enthusiastic outlook on life.
Fr. Walter had a terrible accident in Rome and suffered serious damage to his wrist and eye. After praying for the intercession of Kateri Tekakwitha, he received a miraculous cure of his vision. It only reason this was not deemed a miracle for Kateri's cause was the fact that he did not recover 100% of his vision.
He also had an excellent story about meeting and conversing with an angel.
Thanks for your story. It is very inspirational.
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