Friday, May 22, 2009

Queen Christina Of Sweden And Her Jesuit Father Macedo

Three years after the election of Father Goschwin Nickel as Superior General a Portuguese Jesuit, Father Antonio Macedo, was instrumental in the conversion of Queen Christina of Sweden, who when a child had succeeded her father Gustavus Adolphus.
Father Macedo, a former missionary in Africa, was attached by John IV. of Portugal to the Portuguese embassy at Stockholm. Although he was obliged to conceal his priesthood under the employment of secretary, his real calling became known to the queen, whose mind had been favourably inclined towards the true faith by her intercourse with the famous philosopher, Descartes, a pupil of the Jesuits of La Fleche. After several conferences with Father Macedo she declared her intention to abdicate the throne, and to become a Catholic, a resolve which she executed some months later.
In spite of her violent passions and wayward undisciplined character, Christina appears to have been sincere in this the great act of her life; and through all the vicissitudes of her strange career she remained stanch to the Catholic faith. Out of gratitude to her Jesuit instructor, she besought the Pope to make him a cardinal—a dignity that Father Macedo constantly declined, and to the end of his life his favourite occupation was teaching the poor children of Lisbon, where he died in 1693.

Link (here)

It Has Been A Tough Week For The Jesuit Father James Martin

Dawn Eden at the Dawn Patrol has boiled down
Fr. James Martin's tough week, read her synopsis


Nobody ever said being
a Jesuit was easy.

Spring Hill College Budgets Are Being Slashed

MOBILE, Ala. -- Spring Hill College's executive committee adopted a preliminary 2010 budget today that calls for salary cuts for administrators and staff.

Salaries for vice presidents at the school would be cut by 10 percent, while cabinet members would face an 8 percent reduction, according to Spring Hill President the Rev. Gregory S. Lucey . Staff members making more than $33,000 would receive a 7 percent cut in pay. The salary reductions will not go into effect until August.

Lucey said he regrets this is one of his last actions as president. Lucey is retiring June 1, the same day the Rev. Richard P. Salmi of Loyola University in Chicago becomes the school's 38th president.

"I'd rather be walking out having faced the reality and addressed it than to have shoved it under the rug and say wait until he finds out," Lucey said. John Kerr, a spokesman for the school, said the decision would cut the pay for eight of the school's administrators. He said he didn't know how many staff would be affected.

Link (here)


The Reformed Catholic Church is an autocephalous, independent church with apostolic succession that functions independently of any other church. As Reformed Jesuits, we adhere to the spiritual models of St. Ignatius of Loyola and the strong commitment to social justice that has become synonymous with the Jesuit name. We thank you for visiting us and invite you to contact us with any questions that you may have.

Link (here)

Hat Tip to Catholic Culture and Diogenes (here)

Liberation Theology Results In The Liberation From The Sacrament Of Confession And Disdain For The See Of Peter

Reactionary right fails its theology

President Obama's willingness to bravely take on the reactionary wing of the Roman Catholic Church speaks to his superior understanding of the theology of the Judeo-Christian tradition. I attended Fordham University, a Jesuit university that eschewed athletics unlike its sister institutions Boston College and Georgetown, in favor of a rigorous intellectual environment. While at Fordham, we were instructed in the differences between the catechetic teachings of the Vatican-centric church and the theological traditions of the Church that go back to the beginning of philosophy.
The Jesuit professors opened the eyes of many of their parochially educated students to the works and ideas of such "Catholic" thinkers as Tielhard de Chardin, Hans Kung, Thomas Merton, Dorothy Day, Michael Harrington and others whose spiritual visions allowed a more expansive understanding of theology, freeing many of us from the straight jacket limitations dictated by a belief in a world encapsulated by the firmament of Genesis.
For me one of the most profound lessons taught to me by the Jesuits was when I was an alumnus. Having recently been discharged from the Navy and traveling by car, I came upon a figure hitching by the side of road. He was dressed in the traditional garb of a Jesuit priest. His long white hair bespoke of someone who was an octogenarian. I pulled over and offered a ride, which he accepted. I asked if in fact he was a Jesuit and he said yes. I told him I had attended Fordham. He said he had taught there for many years. I asked, as I had been away in the Navy for two years, if he would hear my confession. He turned to me, a bit startled and said:
"Son, you have as much God in you as I have in me. You don't need me to hear your confession. Christ came down to take the middleman out of religion. You don't need a priest or a rabbi, a church or a temple, all you need is love. At the Last Supper, Christ taught us that where love is there is God."
He then said he had reached his destination and I could let him out. He turned to me, made a sign of the cross on my forehead and said, "Go in peace my son." He then got out and walked up a path to a Jesuit retreat house where he lived. I would suggest that all those Catholics who are sure they have a unique conduit to the Divine, read not just the theologians favored by a Vatican ensconced in a world of material wealth that the apostles would have found even more opulent and repugnant than that of Pontius Pilate. Liberation of the mind is a great gift; the only greater one is liberation of the soul.


Link (here)

Blogger Note: This is the first time I have read someone connecting left-wing Catholic Theology with such a clear anti-sacramental attitude. I suspect the un-named Jesuit being quoted was taken out of context or words were put into his mouth.

Read more about confession from the Jesuit, Father John Hardon

Planned Parenthood At Seattle University

A Catholic College and Abortion Advocates: Here we go again

By Randy Sly 5/22/2009

Seattle University, a Jesuit institution, has invited Planned Parenthood to participate in a discussion on 'reproductive rights'

WASHINGTON (Catholic Online) – Thursday, May 21 is Solemnity of the Ascension of the Lord for Catholics in dioceses that have not opted to observe the feast on Sunday. For them, today is a Holy Day of Obligation where we remember that our Lord ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God. He is preparing a place for us. It is also a reminder that He will come again.

For one Catholic University, however, Ascension has been replaced by abortion. On Thursday evening, Seattle University, a Catholic Jesuit School, is holding a 'Faith and Reproductive Justice' discussion.

A blog by Dawn Eden, a Catholic journalist, contained an email from the Seattle University Campus News that described this event as “a thoughtful conversation about how people of different faiths and backgrounds perceive reproductive justice.”

This gathering has, among its participants, the state chaplain of Planned Parenthood and the forum’s description is loaded with language that does not establish life as its beginning point, as we see by the term “reproductive justice.”

The term “reproductive justice” was coined by pro-abortion advocates in the early 90’s who favored integrating reproductive rights with social justice and later formed SisterSong. Planned Parenthood and the National Organization of Women soon adopted the term.

Reproductive justice is, they say, emotional, physical, mental, economic, social, and political and recognizes that the governmental control of reproductive systems and bodies violates all eight categories of human rights.

In the email from Campus News, a quote from Clergymen for Reproductive Justice is included, which states: “The decisions we make about our reproductive and sexual lives, but most especially, the decision to have a child, are among the most important decisions that we, as human beings, can make. Having a child is a precious responsibility that changes our lives forever. "

“The privileged in this world, for the most part, have unfettered access to the reproductive health and education services to decide for themselves when and whether to bear or raise a child. The poor and disadvantaged do not. Thus, the struggle for reproductive justice is inextricably bound up with the effort to secure a more just society."

“Accordingly, those who would labor to achieve economic and social justice are called upon to join in the effort to achieve reproductive justice and, thereby, help realize the sacred vision of a truly just society for all.”

Reproductive justice, however, does not address the rights of the child in the womb, only the rights of the woman who bears the child. In the justice system described, the child is not a person but property.

Link (here)

The Digital Hairshirt: A Blog

Bio, short but sweet!

"Born a poor white child in the Bronx, NY, to an Irish father and a Polish mother,
making her damn Catholic."

Read Stephanie Anne Richer's blog,
The Digital Hairshirt (here)

What is a Hairshirt? Go (here).

Santa Clara University's Banker

Bridge Capital Holdings (NASDAQ: BBNK), whose subsidiary is Bridge Bank, National Association, a full-service professional business bank headquartered in Silicon Valley, announced today that veteran business banker Margaret "Peggy" Bradshaw has joined the Bank as Executive Vice President and Chief Banking Officer.

"Peggy Bradshaw is the epitome of the experienced professional business banker we seek here at Bridge Bank," said Daniel P. Myers, President and Chief Executive Officer of Bridge Capital Holdings and Bridge Bank. "Her record of achievement and vast experience with business banking sales and relationship management will provide the Bank clear direction for growth as we continue to build share in our markets."

In her role as Chief Banking Officer, Ms. Bradshaw will oversee Bridge Bank's sales and client relationship functions. She will directly manage and work with the division managers of each of the Bank's primary lines of business, including corporate, technology, SBA and commercial real estate, and international banking. She will also manage the business development activities of the Bank.

Ms. Bradshaw's business banking career spans 30 years. She started her banking career with Wells Fargo in San Francisco. Ms. Bradshaw then joined San Jose based Plaza Bank of Commerce in 1982 to become the Regional Senior Vice President of Middle Market Lending. Upon Plaza Bank's acquisition by Comerica in 1992, Ms. Bradshaw advanced through several increasingly higher roles, including Head of Community Business Banking, Head of Small Business Administration National Department, and eventually Comerica's Head of Personal Financial Services and Small Business Banking Divisions.

"Bridge Bank has built a reputation as a solid, professional bank that understands and supports its business clients with deep product knowledge and superior advisory service," said Ms. Bradshaw. "I look forward to leading the effort to build upon that foundation as the Bank prepares for the coming economic recovery."

Ms. Bradshaw is a graduate of Santa Clara University and holds a B.S. in social science. She also holds an M. Ed. from Smith College of Northhampton, MA.

Ms. Bradshaw is on the Board of Trustees of Santa Clara University and is on the Advisory Board of the Bannan Institute for Jesuit Education. She is a past member of the Board of Regents of Santa Clara University and past Board member and Chair of the Family and Children Services of Palo Alto.

Link (here)

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Fordham University And The New Archbishop

Archbishop of New York Timothy Dolan has said that Fordham University did not inform him that pro-abortion rights Mayor Michael Bloomberg would speak at the Catholic school’s commencement and receive an honorary degree.

Fordham University President Fr. Joseph McShane, SJ, in his address to Fordham graduates, singled out Mayor Bloomberg and television commentator Tom Brokaw for “special mention,” acknowledging the mayor first.

“Last week I heard the Mayor speak at a Jesuit fund-raising event in Manhattan,” Fr. McShane said. “In the course of his typically gracious remarks, he noted wistfully that he had not had the benefit of a Jesuit education. Mr. Bloomberg, this is your lucky day: you are now a Fordham graduate and thus a member of the Jesuit family!”

Pro-abortion rights Sen. Charles Schumer also spoke at Fordham Law’s graduation on Sunday, also unbeknownst to the archbishop, the New York Post reports. Archbishop Dolan had criticized the University of Notre Dame for inviting President Barack Obama to be commencement speaker and to receive an honorary degree.

Link (here) to a lengthy article.

Easter Island Jesuits

In 1864 a Jesuit mission was established on Easter Island, at which time the population numbered about 1,500. When H. M. S. Topaze visited the island in 1868 there were about 900 Rapa Nui (Natives of Easter Island) left. In 1870 the Frenchman Dutroux-Bornier transformed Easter Island into a sheep farm, which led to, in about the year 1875, some 500 were removed to Tahiti under contract to work on the sugar plantations of that island. Dutroux-Bornier was killed by Islanders in 1877. In 1878 the Jesuit missionaries (Fr. Alexis Clerc, S.J.) departed from the island, taking with them about 300 of the people, who settled Gambier Archipelago. When H. M. S. Sappho touched at the island in 1882 it was reported that but 150 of the inhabitants were left.

Link (here)

Lithograph from 1860 of the Rapa Nui

Read the book entitled, One of the Jesuits! Alexis Clerc, Sailor and Martyr. It contains a detailed account of the Jesuits missionary activities on Easter Island ( Paasch Eiland ).

Burma Jesuit On Aung San Suu Kyi

Father Anthony, a Jesuit priest in Madurai (Tamil Nadu), was born and lived for ten years in the former Burma.

In his opinion the arrest is designed to reinforce the idea that the military junta has an absolute power over the population, that it can use the iron fist, that people can be arrested arbitrarily, jailed and tortured. In Myanmar he said there is no “freedom of movement and torture of dissidents and political opponents is commonplace.”

The Jesuits priest said he was afraid that Aung San Suu Kyi will never be released” until “she is dead or world powers exert such pressure on the junta that they have to free her.”

Members of ASEAN, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, released an official statement on Aung San Suu Kyi’s arrest.

Link (here)

Photo is of Aung San Suu Kyi speaking in public in Burma

The Society Of Mary And The Society Of Jesus

We also visited a little street shrine to Our Lady. A Shrine Fr. Jean-Claude-Marie Colin passed frequently and stopped to prayer before regularly. These little shrines are all over Rome and all over France as well. They are called 'Madonnellas' - little Madonnas.

We also said Mass in the Jesuit Novitiate Chapel -- the Chapel is really a small Church. This place holds significance for Marists (Society of Mary) because here at one of the side altars Fr. Colin said Mass several times in the month of November 1833. It was one of his favorite places. It's also the place where Jesuit Sts. Robert Bellarmine and Aloysius Gonzaga were Jesuit Novices. The Chapel is officially called -- Church of St. Andrea Al Quirinale -- because it is dedicated to St. Andrew and is located near the Quirinal Palace which was home to Pope for some time. It was this palace, and not St. Peter's, where Colin met Pope Gregory XVI on September28, 1833.

Link (here) to the Marist, Fr. Kevin his blog is entitled The Journey

Drawing is of the founder of the Society of Mary, Fr. Jean-Claude-Marie Colin

The Higher Culture Of The Jesuit

The higher culture of the Jesuit is nobly expressed in the most beautiful interior of all the churches of the Philippines, comparing well with the carved-wood interiors of Belgian churches.

Link (here)

Photo (here)

In 1768 had their first San Ignacio Church of what is now the location of the Pamantasan Lungsod ng Maynila.

In 1859, they returned to the country but it was only in 1878 that the last San Ignacio Church was started. It was finished in 1889. Done in the Neo-Classical style, it had two flanking towers and an impressive interior done by Filipino artisans. The woodwork done by Isabelo Tampinco is considered to be the height of woodcarving ever achieved in the country. Unfortunately, it was burned by the Japanese during World War II.

The Jesuits relocated in Quezon City and what remained in its present site are the ruins of the church.

More on the Jesuit San Ignacio Church (here) ,(here) , (here) and (here)

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

One Solitary Life

He was born in an obscure village, the child of a peasant woman.
He grew up in another obscure village, where He worked in a carpenter shop until He was thirty.

Then, for three years He was an itinerant preacher.
He never had a family or owned a home.
He never set foot inside a big city.

He never traveled two hundred miles from the place He was born.
He never held and office or did any of the things that usually accompany greatness.
While He was still a young man, the tide of popular opinion turned against Him.
His friends deserted Him.

He was turned over to his enemies, and went through the mockery of a trial.
He was nailed to a cross between two thieves.
While He was dying, His executioners gambled for the only piece of property He had-His coat.
When He was dead, He was taken down and laid in a borrowed grave.

Two thousand years have come and gone, and today He is the central figure for much of the human race. All the armies that ever marched and all the navies that ever sailed and all the parliaments that ever sat and all the kings that ever reigned, put together, have not affected the life of man upon this earth as powerfully as this "One Solitary Life".

Listen and watch to Jesuit educated Bing Crosby retell the story of Jesus (here)

Jesuit Said: Jesus Christ Having So Dignified Chastity In His Own Person Left It To His Priests As The Most Beautiful Adornment Of Their Priesthood


By Fr. Pierre Millet, S.J.

By what right ? If it may not be said that priestly continence is literally and rigorously of divine right, there is no question that it is, as Bellarmine says, in imitation of a divine pattern, that it was taught by the Apostles and is imposed by Ecclesiastical Law.

Could the Church require less of priests, who morning by morning immolate the Lamb without spot, than did the Law of Moses from the priests of Aaron, or the Pagans from the priests who offered sacrifices to false gods ? The priests of the Temple of Jerusalem were obliged to continence for the entire year during which their term of office lasted, and the Greeks and Romans laid a similar obligation upon the priests who served their idols.When there was question of the worship of their deities the Pagans recognized only one virtue and one vice : Castaplacent Superis, says Catullus ; and Plutarch said : Diis omnia munda , and in consequence the impure were thrust from their altars.

Jews and Persians, Indians and Greeks, Romans and Gauls, all peoples, recognized something divine in celibacy. The same idea was found existing in the New World among the Mexicans and Peruvians, and even among the Hurons and the Iroquois. Among all peoples and in ail ages there has been a persuasion that purity of body, that chastity, is an indispensable preparation for the exercise of sacred functions.

I quite agree, however, that Paganism was nothing more than a mass of rottenness, and that the Vestal Virgins bore the same resemblance to Christian Virgins that a hypocrite bears to a Saint. Paganism, while parading its chastity, everywhere set up altars to lust.

Chastity is indigenous to heaven and, when transplanted to earth, it is with difficulty that it takes root in our corrupt soil. Jesus Christ came to teach us by precept, and still more by example, how it is to be cultivated, how it is to be made to exhale and diffuse its sweetness and its fragrance and to bear incomparable fruit. How tender a love did the Man-God, Himself a Virgin from all eternity and born of a Virgin Father among the splendors of the Saints, bear to this angelic virtue throughout the whole course of His life! He chose a Mother ; she was a virgin and will be so for all the eternities, and this will ever be one of her sweetest and most glorious titles.

That a God on becoming man should be born of a Virgin goes without saying, but this was not enough : He wished that everybody about Him, every one nearest Him, should breathe forth only purity and innocence. Mary was given one to aid her in watching over the infancy of Jesus ; he was a virgin. Another was sent before the face of Jesus to prepare the way for Him ; he was a virgin. Jesus gathered together disciples and made them sharers in His divine mission ; they were virgins, says St. Jerome, or made the vow of chastity after they had been called : Apostoli aut virgines, aut post nuptias continentes. He permitted His enemies to impute to Him all sorts of crime, but there was one He would not suffer them to name. Dying on the Cross He committed to a Virgin disciple His Virgin Mother. Now triumphant in heaven and seated at the right hand of His Father, His throne is encompassed by Virgins, who form His guard of honor, who accompany Him wherever He goes, and who sing in His praise that mysterious Canticle which only virgins can sing.

Jesus Christ having so dignified chastity in His own person left it to His priests as the most beautiful adornment of their priesthood and the greatest glory of their ministry. A priest whose reputation is clean and whose morals are pure is dear to the heart of God and useful to His Church;
whereas, on the contrary, a priest whose morals are not beyond reproach, a pastor who is not chaste, what sort of a priest, what sort of a pastor is he?

For us, therefore, chastity is a treasure of infinite price, but we bear it about in frail vessels, and how shall we protect it against so many enemies ever on the alert to rob us of it ?

Link (here) to the original page (488) of a book entitled, Jesus Lives In The Priest, By Fr. Pierre Millet, S.J.

Jesus Living in the Priest: Considerations on the Greatness and Holiness of the Priesthood. By the Rev. P. Millet, S.J. English Translation by the Right Rev. Thomas Sebastian Byrne, D.D., Bishop of Nashville. New York, Cincinnati, and Chicago: Benziger Brothers. [Price, 8s.]

This fine, solid, and substantial volume was published in French in 1858. Four editions of an Italian translation of it have appeared, the latest in 1898. The Bishop of Nashville, in the United States, met with it in Rome, and was greatly struck by its order, its clearness, its solidity, its spirituality, and its common- sense. Strange to say, he failed to get a copy of the French original, and was forced to translate it from the Italian translation. It is a most useful addition to a priest's ascetic library. It is excellently produced by the publishers; but several misprints have crept into the Latin quotations, as at page 495, etc. It is translated extremely well.

Link (here)

Fr. Hugh Thwaites, S.J. And The Imitation Of Christ

After the bible, there is no sounder spiritual reading than The Imitation of Christ.
It encourages us gently, yet with firmness, to follow Christ more faithfully, and shows us how to do it. Fifteen minutes a day would give us a balanced spiritual diet.
Since it was written, early in the 15th Century, thousands of editions and translations have appeared.

Link (here) to Sonitus Sanctus and listen.

The Frankfurt School: And Poor Formation

Father John Jenkins, C.S.C. received a Masters of Divinity from the Jesuit School of Theology at Berkeley, California. If it is anything like its secular sister a few blocks down the street, then the teaching staff is likely saturated with Frankfurt School proponents. Indeed, on the "Our Faith" page of their website, a testimonial in the sidebar says: "Hours of conversation, study, and prayer with my peers in ministry taught me that we want the Catholic community to lead the work of creating a just society," says Claire Noonan (M.Div. '00). The Program Organizer for Social Justice and Next Generation at Call to Action in Chicago, she creates educational programs and sustained action campaigns focusing on sweatshop labor. As some of you doubtless know, the Frankfurt School was founded by communists shortly after the Bolshevik coup in Russia, and is dedicated to destruction of the West by cultural corruption. Willi Munzenburg, one of the school's founders, put it bluntly. The school's curriculum was designed to: "organize the intellectuals and use them to make Western civilization stink. Only then, after they have corrupted all its values and made life impossible, can we impose the dictatorship of the proletariat."

Link (here) to the op-ed piece by Jim Simpson in Renew America. Read Simpson's blog Truth and Consequences

More on the Frankfurt School (here) , (here) and (here)

Photo is those of the original Frankfurt School, find picture (here)

Picture Of The Day: St. Ignatius of Loyola At Manresa

St. Ignatius Loyola at Manresa

Nancy Carty McDevitt


This is one of two murals depicting scenes from Ignatius's life by the artist for the high school's renovated chapel, constructed in the early 1930s. The chapel is dedicated to the Jesuit North American martyrs.

Link (here)

Fr. Brian Cansfield, S.J

He was commonly known by the name of Christopher Barton, was a zealous and laborious missioner, and a man of great mortification.

He was apprehended at the altar, saying mass, hurried away in his vestments to the next justice of peace; and after divers injuries and affronts which, like his master, he suffered with invincible patience, was cast into a filthy prison,
where the stench, and other incommodities of the place, put an end to his mortal life in some part of this year, 1645. See Floras Jlnglo-Bavaricus, p. 72.

Link (here)

More on the Venerable Fr. Brian Cansfield, S.J. (here) , (here) , (here) and (here)

St. Teresa Of Calcutta And Her Jesuits

Mother Teresa had habitually preferred Jesuits as retreat preachers, spiritual directors and confessors for herself and her Sisters. Many Jesuits of Calcutta Province were in close contact with Mother Teresa. They include Archbishop Ferdinand Perier, Cardinal Trevor L. Picachy, Frs. C. Van Exem, Julian Henry, Joseph Sanders, Edouard Le Joly, Camille Bouche, Anton Gabric, Jose Cukale, Josef Neuner, Shukaley, Lawrence Abello, Carl Dincher, Harden, Albert Huart, Moyeson, Jambrekovic, McGuiire, and Travers-Ball. Most of these Jesuits were Belgians who had made, like Mother Teresa, Kolkata their home.

Fr. Celest Van Exem was the earliest main adviser and supporter to Mother Teresa and for the foundations of the Missionaries of Charity, right from her days as Loreto Sister. He was the spiritual director to whom Mother Teresa confided her inspiration and who first sought to discern the authenticity of her experiences. He was the first to support Mother in requesting Archbishop Perier to begin the process for her to leave the Loreto Congregation. He made major contributions to the writing of the Constitutions of the Missionaries of Charity. From the time of the foundation of the Congregation until his illness in the 1980s, he was a confessor and instructor of the novices. A few days before his death, he wrote to Mother Teresa, herself critically ill, that he had offered his life to God in exchange for hers and for her mission to China (which did not materialize).

Archbishop Ferdinand Perier, Archbishop of Calcutta, who cautiously approved the foundation of Missionaries of Charity, was the immediate one to whom Mother Teresa had to apply to leave the Loreto Congregation. He was her confidant and spiritual guide, as well as her Superior until she became Superior General of the new Congregation. He was the only Bishop who knew Mother from the time she arrived in India in 1929. Mother had an extraordinary, childlike confidence in the Archbishop as the spokesperson of God's will. In turn, he guided her with a truly extraordinary wisdom and prudence.

Fr. Julian Henry was a spiritual friend and close cooperator of Mother already from her days as Loreto sister. In 1949, as parish priest of St. Teresa's Church, he was the first to help Mother Teresa in her new apostolate, offering her a place to pray, rest and to run a dispensary. Before Mother had Sisters as companions, Fr. Henry used to send girls to accompany her. The Sisters of the first group to join Mother Teresa are grateful to Fr. Henry for all that he did in the early days to assist their apostolate, including the teaching of slum children to do carpentry.

Link (here) to the full fascinating piece.

Photo is of Jesuit Cardinal Trevor L. Picachy

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Jesuit Says A Priest Is An Artist Masterpiece A Faithfully Reproduction Of Jesus Christ

A Worldly Priest Compromises the Success of His Ministry.

By Fr. Pierre Millet, S.J.

St. Gregory the Great, writing of the prophet Samuel, says : "Raro videbatur in civitate, videlicet tarde veniens et cito recedens. He wishes the priest to follow the same rule : Raro sit in piiblico frequcns in secreto, ut qni tar dins aspicitur, devotius revcreatur. Ea est mens Jnunana, says St. Maximus of Tyre, lit qucz ex posit a sunt, minor is faciat; qua; abstrusa, veJicmentcr admiretur."

St. Peter Damian compares ecclesiastics to a picture. A picture is admired, he says, provided it is not brought too close to the eye. When looked at from a distance the objects seem so faithfully reproduced that it is difficult to distinguish the copy from the original ; while if the picture is brought too close the illusion vanishes. Instead of those delicate shadings which so charm the beholder, you see only a mass of color laid thick on the canvas, outlines formed by heavy strokes of the brush and figures without grace or beauty. The same thing happens in the case of priests. They are esteemed and venerated when they are seen at a distance engaged in the duties of their holy office. They are then regarded as the representatives of Jesus Christ, and the faithful dispensers of His mysteries and graces.

These high ideals are destroyed by habitual intercourse and familiarity, and priests are no longer regarded as heavenly messengers and angels of the New Covenant; they are looked upon as are other men, subject to the same weaknesses and liable to the same human maladies.The aversion which laymen have for a priest who makes himself too common, passes insensibly from his person to his ministry. The sacred word which he preaches and the sacraments which he administers produce little effect in souls, because sermons when not backed up by example are as a rule sterile, and because a physician of the soul, who is himself afflicted, is not the proper person to heal another stricken with the same malady.

What will be the thoughts of men of the world who see a priest at a club or other place of amusement, as worldly, as dissipated, as exuberant as an ordinary layman, and who then sees the same man in the Church, saying Mass at the Altar, absolving penitents in the confessional, preaching the word of God from the pulpit and discharging the august functions of his calling after the manner of any public official in the world?
Have they not reason to be scandalized? Is it any wonder that they should say: Our priests do not believe what they preach; if they did, would they lead such lives as they do?

Link (here) A Worldly Priest Compromises the Success of His Ministry (pg 136)contained in the book by Fr. Pierre Millet, S.J. entitled Jesus Living In the Priest

Controversial San Fran Jesuit Could Be Leaving The Society

Fr. Cameron Ayers Takes Leave of Absence from Jesuits

From the May 10, 2009 bulletin of St. Agnes Church in San Francisco:

"Dear Friends, It must have been quite a shock to many of you when Father Cameron announced his intention to take a leave of absence from the Jesuits so that he could discern his own personal vocation....

A more detailed account may be found at The California Catholic Daily (here)

Read a personal testimony of Fr. Ayers (here) from 2006

The Holy Father On Jesuit Matteo Ricci

Aufer A Nobis brings us this one!

An excerpt.


To my Venerable Brother


Bishop of Macerata, Tolentino, Recanati, tracks and Treia

I have learned with joy that in that diocese have planned several initiatives to commemorate, in the ecclesial and civil life, the fourth centenary of the death of P. Matteo Ricci of the Society of Jesus, which took place in Beijing on 11 May 1610. In the course of this special jubilee year, I am pleased to send you and the entire diocesan community my cordial greetings.

Born in Macerata October 6 of 1552, the Jesuit Matteo Ricci, with deep faith and extraordinary cultural and scientific genius, he dedicated many years of his life to weave a fruitful dialogue between West and East, at the same time conducting a vigorous action rooting of the Gospel in the culture of the great people of China. His example remains even today as a model of fruitful meeting between European civilization and the Chinese.
Link (here)

A Georgetown Commencement 2009

It is a Georgetown tradition to hold separate commencement ceremonies so students may graduate with their classmates and also hear from speakers who are experts and scholars in the students’ chosen fields.

PBS journalist Gwen Ifill of “Washington Week” and “The NewsHour with Jim Lehrer,” spoke at Georgetown College’s ceremony -- the largest at the university. Ifill encouraged the more than 800 graduates to approach life with a healthy dose of skepticism.

“You need to prepare to question yourself, to question those around you, and maybe even question those who you aspire to be,” Ifill said to a sea of graduates and their families sitting on Healy Lawn.

Link (here)

Photo of Ifill with Barack Obama in 2004

This Buds For You! St. Louis University

Saint Louis University has announced a $3 million gift from the Anheuser-Busch Foundation -- the largest donation to date for a $35 million expansion of SLU's School of Law and the largest-ever individual gift to SLU from A-B in its corporate history.

"There is no better St. Louis corporate citizen than Anheuser-Busch," said University President Lawrence Biondi, S.J. "This very generous gift demonstrates that its support for local institutions remains unmatched."

The gift, which fits into Anheuser-Busch's priority to support educational institutions in communities where it does business, was announced officially during the law school's hooding ceremony at Chaifetz Arena.

The thousands in attendance were the first to see what the future holds for the SLU law community, as the University unveiled never-before-seen renderings of the Anheuser-Busch Student Commons, the new front door for the school and a major feature of the expansion, which will be funded by the gift.

"The Saint Louis University School of Law continues to grow in reputation," said Dean Jeffrey Lewis, J.D. "This major gift will help make the expansion of our law school a reality, and we are proud that a company so important to the St. Louis community is partnering with us on this exciting project."

Link (here)

Monday, May 18, 2009

A Liberal Priest Arrested A Conservative Priest At A Catholic University While Praying The Rosary

We Are At War!

By Bishop Robert W. Finn

An excerpt.

What can we say about this constant warfare?
Our battle is ultimately a spiritual battle for the eternal salvation of souls – our own and those of other people. We are not engaged in physical battles in the same way military soldiers defend with material weapons. We need not – we must not – initiate violence against other persons to accomplish something good, even something as significant as the protection of human life.

But it is true that we might have to endure physical suffering to prosper the victory of Jesus Christ. He carried the Cross. He promised us that – if we were to follow Him – we also would share the Cross. We must not expect anything less. When you stand up for what is right – you will be opposed. The temptation will be to avoid these attacks. But through our responses we must see what kind of soldiers we are.

Who is our enemy in this battle of the Church Militant?
Our enemy is the deceiver, the liar, Satan. Because of his spiritual powers he can turn the minds and hearts of men. He is our spiritual or supernatural enemy when he works to tempt us, and he becomes a kind of natural enemy as he works in the hearts of other people to twist and confound God’s will. In our human experience people deceived by Satan’s distortions and lies may appear as our “human enemies.”

Read Bishop Robert Finn's full piece (here)


Norma Leah McCorvey ("The Roe" of Roe vs. Wade) was arrested while praying the Rosary for trespassing by police after Notre Dame University authorized the police action. Watch the video of her arrest (here) and read more (here).


Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C. authorized the arrest by police of Father Norman Weslin for trespassing. The frail Father was arrested twice, watch video of his first arrest (here) and the second arrest (here). Fr. Weslin is the co-founder with Alan Keyes of Lambs of Christ. The video shows the 80 year old Fr. Weslin caring a large cross on his shoulder then being apprehended, cuffed and carried off in a full body restraining devise. While being taken down he is singing the hymn Ave Maria.

Fr. Norman Weslin is no stranger to President Obama, he was arrested for praying at the 2008 Democratic Convention. See the picture (here) of his arrest by the Denver Police Department.

Fr. Norman Weslin was portrayed in the 2006 pro-abortion film "Lake of Fire" read Lifesite's analysis (here)


Lifesite has reported (here) that Notre Dame President Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C. has been on the board of a directors a pro-abortion and pro-contraceptives anti-poverty group called Millennium Promise. More on the subject from the Cardinal Newman Society (here)

Last week Notre Dame was awarded a multi-million dollar grant from the Obama administration (here).


Former Ambassador to the United Nations Alan Keyes, a long standing political rival to President Obama was also arrested. You can watch the video (here). Keyes ran unsuccessfully in 2004-5 against President Obama for the United States Senate in Illinois. Keyes ran an unorthodox race against Obama, he ran on their pro-life differences and what it means to be a Christian in public office. You can watch a samples of their debates (here) , (here) , (here) and (here) President Obama was taken back by Keyes' strait forward criticism and President Obama gave this speech at the Call to Renewal Conference (here) as a reflection of that criticism. With some follow up commentary (here)


364,351 people signed the petition at against President Obama's speech at Notre Dame. The strengthening and influence of the Cardinal Newman Society in Catholic academics is hard over look.


Over 80 Roman Catholic Bishops openly denounced the invitation of President Barack Obama by Notre Dame President, Fr. John Jenkins, C.S.C.

Former Vatican Ambassador Mary-Ann Glendon refused to accept Laetare Medal because of President Obama's stance on abortion.


Jesuit Round Up

Fr. James Martin, S.J. the Acting Publisher at America Magazine writes at In All Things: his posts are entitled The Speech at Notre Dame and Who Is A Real Catholic.

Fr. Martin was on CNN with Raymond Arroyo from EWTN. You can read the transcript of their exchange (here)


Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life did a great job on
"FOX News Sunday With Chris Wallace."
he debates Fr. Richard McBrien


Despite what President Obama said in his speech. Watch (here). Despite the positive spin put on it by the Catholic left (here). President Obama actions and why he is such a threat to the unborn can be found (here).

Fordham University Commencement 2009

Tom Brokaw, addressed Fordham's Class of 2009, at the University's 164th Commencement at Rose Hill on Saturday, May 16. Brokaw, who has covered his share of turmoil in 47 years of journalism, told the new graduates that "it will not be easy, but I promise you it will be rewarding in ways that a Wall Street bonus or a shot on American Idol cannot compete."

More than 16,000 graduates, family, friends and faculty and staff packed Edwards Parade under cloudy skies, and gave Brokaw rousing cheers at every full stop.

Fordham conferred a doctorate of humane letters, honoris causa, upon Brokaw, and likewise conferred honorary degrees upon Hon. Michael Bloomberg, mayor of the City of New York; Justin Lin, chief economist of the World Bank; Frank J. Macchiarola, former chairman of the New York City Charter Revision Commission; and Kathryn Wylde, chief executive officer of the Partnership for New York City.

Joseph M. McShane, S.J., president of Fordham University, told the happy crowd, "Members of the Class of 2009, this is above all your day. This is the day on which we celebrate you. We celebrate hopes that have been realized, dreams that have come true, loves that have blossomed and lives that have been changed—changed utterly."

Link (here)

Watch short video of Tom Brokaw's commencement speech (here)

Photo is of Tom Brokow being interviewed at Fordham in 2004 (here)

Viator at Aufer A Nobis add his thoughts on pro-abortion Mayor Bloomberg to the conversation (here)

The text of Brokaw's address (here)

Cold Case At De Smet Jesuit High School Still Missing 28K

Creve Coeur Police are making one last plea to students at De Smet Jesuit High School. In February the students raised $28,000 for the missions. All the cash was stolen.

Two years ago $8,000 in mission money was also ripped-off. Neither case has been solved. Police say even though the school has been cooperative they have not received any leads or tips from anyone at the school. And, they fear that with summer vacation upon us students who may have any knowledge of the thefts will graduate or could transfer to other schools.

A cold case could freeze-up. De Smet school officials declined an interview because of the on-going investigation. Students tell Fox 2 they are as frustrated as police because the thief has not been caught.

Link (here) to the original article and video

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Obama And Notre Dame

A new Gallup Poll, conducted May 7-10, finds 51% of Americans calling themselves "pro-life" on the issue of abortion and 42% "pro-choice." This is the first time a majority of U.S. adults have identified themselves as pro-life since Gallup began asking this question in 1995.

Link (here)

President Obama on his grand children
"Look, I got two daughters — 9 years old and 6 years old," he said. "I am going to teach them first about values and morals, but if they make a mistake, I don't want them punished with a baby. I don't want them punished with an STD at age 16, so it doesn't make sense to not give them information."

Link (here) and watch video (here)

Fr. James Schall, S.J. on human rights

So when President Obama goes to Notre Dame this week, we should be sure what is at issue. He goes there for one reason, namely, in this symbolic place, to convince the vast majority of Catholics that his operative definition of “human rights,” not that of the Church, is the correct one.

Link (here)

Obama on "Born Alive Act"

One night, a nursing co-worker was taking an aborted Down’s syndrome baby who was born alive to our Soiled Utility Room because his parents did not want to hold him, and she did not have time to hold him. I could not bear the thought of this suffering child dying alone in a Soiled Utility Room, so I cradled and rocked him for the 45 minutes that he lived. He was 21 to 22 weeks old, weighed about ½ pound, and was about 10 inches long. He was too weak to move very much, expending any energy he had trying to breathe. Toward the end, he was so quiet that I couldn’t tell if he was still alive unless I held him up to the light to see if his heart was still beating through his chest wall. After he was pronounced dead, we folded his little arms across his chest, wrapped him in a tiny shroud, and carried him to the hospital morgue where all of our dead patients are taken.

Obama questioned whether the born alive legislation would impede the right to abort and doctor/patient decision-making. He and an American Civil Liberties Union attorney speculated Born Alive would force doctors to resuscitate nonviable aborted babies.

Obama opposed Born Alive in committee, but voted “present” — neither “yes” nor “no,” but merely “present” — on the state Senate floor, one of many “present” votes that Hillary Clinton has cited as evidence that Obama lacks leadership skills. Clinton voted for the federal Born Alive bill, putting her on record as more pro-life than Obama.

Link (here)

Today a 80 year old priest carrying cross was arrested by police at Notre Dame while he is being arrested and restrained Father Norman Weslin was singing the Ave Maria. This will bring tears to your eyes I promise.
Watch (here)

The most up to date news on President Obama's speech at Notre Dame (here)

The current opinions from America magazines blog In All Things (here)

Link to the Cardinal Newman Society (here)

Link (here) to Priests For Life