Friday, May 18, 2012

Jerica Arents And Todays Liberation Theology

Jerica Arents
Jerica Arents is a graduate of Loyola’s Masters of Social Justice program and co-coordinates Voices for Creative Nonviolence, a campaign to end the U.S. occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan. She lives at the White Rose Catholic Worker in West Roger’s Park. Jerica is an organizer with Witness Against Torture and recently spent a month in Afghanistan, learning about the affects of U.S. policies of war on ordinary Afghan people. She is interested in using alternative choices, social analysis, and integrated nonviolent resistance to create more sustainable communities for our neighbors and the earth. She has worked in interfaith circles on issues of worker’s rights, juvenile justice, and racial reconciliation.
Link (here) to DePaul University

Those protesting at Obama’s campaign headquarters said members of Catholic Worker communities from at least 10 states gathered for a retreat, and that Monday’s demonstration was meant to launch their “Week Without Capitalism” campaign and push for “nonviolent resistance to the corporate G8/NATO agenda.” Jerica Arents, of the White Rose Catholic Workers, told the Chicago Tribune that some of the demonstrators had come from across the Midwest and would be joining NATO protests all week. She then reaffirmed her group’s commitment to pacifism before blasting NATO for consuming the world’s resources.”We see NATO as using up a lot of resources in the city and the world,” she said. What was meant to be a peaceful demonstration, however — complete with the handing out of rolls with which to “break bread” — ended as it typically does with members of far left movements: in handcuffs. In total, eight protesters were arrested. They were cheered by other activists who showed their solidarity by dancing around Obama’s headquarters and singing gospel and folk songs. As the apprehended were led to a police van, yet another horde of protesters began chanting: ”Ain’t going to Study War No More.”
Link (here) to The Blaze

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