Friday, May 18, 2012

Exorcising Georgetown University

Georgetown University alumni, students and others are preparing a canon law suit to be filed with the Archdiocese of Washington and the Vatican, seeking remedies “up to and including the possible removal or suspension of top-ranked Georgetown’s right to call itself Catholic or Jesuit in its fundraising and representations to applicants.” 
The effort is being led by the distinguished Georgetown alumnus William Peter Blatty, who won an Academy Award for his screenplay and book The Exorcist and has been honored by Georgetown with its John Carroll Medal for alumni achievement. Blatty is urging Georgetown alumni, students, parents, faculty and anyone associated with Georgetown to join the lawsuit at The website includes an inspiring letter by Blatty and a description of Georgetown’s historical ties to the Jesuits, the Washington Archdiocese and the Vatican. Blatty has asked The Cardinal Newman Society to advise the effort, share documentation on Georgetown scandals, and provide administrative support. 
CNS President Patrick J. Reilly told Georgetown’s campus newspaper The Hoya: For 19 years, The Cardinal Newman Society has documented numerous concerns at Georgetown that significantly compromise the university’s Catholic identity. We’re thrilled that the distinguished alumnus William Peter Blatty has invited us to assist him and others in their efforts to defend Georgetown’s Catholic mission from those who would undermine or abandon it. Such intervention is necessary only because Georgetown’s leadership has repeatedly demonstrated its unwillingness to uphold Georgetown’s obligations under the U.S. bishops’ guidelines, Ex corde Ecclesiae and Canon Law.
Link (here) to read the full story at The Cardinal Newman Society 


  1. YES! May Our Lord bless Peter Blatty and the Cardinal Newman Society. We thank you! Holy Mother Church thanks you!

    There are never any accidents in God's world. Not for nothing that this announcement comes when it does:

    "The Pentecost novena in honor of the Holy Spirit is the oldest of all novenas since it was first made at the direction of Our Lord Himself when He sent His apostles back to Jerusalem to await the coming of the Holy Spirit on the first Pentecost. It is still the only novena officially prescribed by the Church. Addressed to the Third Person of the Blessed Trinity, it is a powerful plea for the light and strength and love so sorely needed by every Christian.

    The Novena begins on the day after the Solemnity of the Ascension, Friday of the 6th Week of Easter, even if the Solemnity of the Ascension is transferred to the 7th Sunday. This link will take you to the Novena.

    If ye love me:

  2. You know, it is getting really old when all of these sspx people who aren't ''in'' the Church (but say they are) get all giddy with examples of what else is going in the catholic world like the priest in Portland that brings the poodle to Mass or the tout yet another spirit of Vatican II moment with some Mass in Austria where a bunch of folks dress up like americans at a nascar race. Those comparisons get old. Period.

    but it seems like many of them (not all) really want to be the catholic church I think. They want to go to Mass..receive the Jesus. This Bishop Fellay wrote this letter, and it seem humble. Wow. Who would have thought. For Christ.

    So with the school in DC. Its either with Jesus...or against Jesus. I like this blog for many reason...and I like the line on the top about Peter and Judas. It so true. Jesus tells us about what he thinks about lukewarm. For all their shinnanigans, I don't think sspx folks are lukewarm for Jesus. This place in DC has to decide for Jesus.

  3. This is a joke.

    Georgetown can call itself anything it wants. The key thing is what it DOES.

    Canon law is a bigger joke. In Omaha and other dioceses, the winner makes a "gift" to the Church after he wins.

    Canon law makes a kangaroo court look dignified.

  4. This is a joke.

    Georgetown can call itself anything it wants. The key thing is what it DOES.

    Canon law is a bigger joke. In Omaha and other dioceses, the winner makes a "gift" to the Church after he wins.

    Canon law makes a kangaroo court look dignified.

  5. This is a joke.

    Georgetown can call itself anything it wants. The key thing is what it DOES.

    Canon law is a bigger joke. In Omaha and other dioceses, the winner makes a "gift" to the Church after he wins.

    Canon law makes a kangaroo court look dignified.

  6. n arm of or authority in the church. They speak for their own positions. Gthey claim to rperesnt the church --BUT what really moticaltes the animus of Patrick Reilly is far less clear. ...


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