In 1999, hard-core porn@grapher Larry Flynt spoke at Georgetown. There was no letter of protest from the
faculty. But the Archdiocese of Washington was not pleased, saying the
decision provided “a platform which furthers the degradation of women,
immoral behavior and the anti-religious opinions Mr. Flynt represents.”
In 2003, 70 faculty members signed a letter protesting a speech by Cardinal Francis Arinze when he defended the traditional family at his commencement address; they were angry that he cited abortion, euthanasia, infanticide, fornication, adultery, divorce, pornography, and homosexuality as negative elements.
In 1997, the Washington Archdiocese
publicly criticized Georgetown for refusing to put crucifixes in the
classrooms. In 2010, years after the crucifixes were restored, the
university hid them, as well as other religious symbols, at the request
of the Obama administration; Obama’s advance team did not want the
president to speak with Catholic symbols in the background. Georgetown welcomes pro-abortion clubs
on campus. There is “Hoyas for Choice,” and “Georgetown University Law
Students for Reproductive Justice” (formerly run by Sandra Fluke). There
have been no letters of protest from the faculty about the “misuse of
Catholic teaching.”
Link (here) to the full statement by the Catholic League
Link (here) to the full statement by the Catholic League
G-Town is not Catholic; it is Jesuit. They are not the same thing.
ReplyDeleteJust keep writing that to convince yourself. . .
ReplyDeleteIt's a university and university test knowledge and create knowledge.
In its continuing descent down the secular slope
It's not "free speech"-- it's fulfilling the objectives of higher education.
ReplyDeleteDon't like ideas? Don't go to a university or college.
I wonder when G-Town will get around to implementing Ex Corde Ecclesiae? Oh, that's right, CATHOLIC universities adhere to Ex Corde Ecclesiae. But G-Town is Jesuit, not Catholic.
ReplyDeleteGeorgetown's incoming lay president, Jack DeGioia, was the leader in implementing a "Free speech and expression" policy, and he clearly did so with your permission and encouragement. His statement to The Hoya that, "We will always address speech that we think is inappropriate in a university community," plus the policy's listing under "Limitations" that which is "grossly obscene, or is grossly offensive," have clearl been shunted aside. Under the guise of academic freedom and the rights of students and faculty to invite speakers to campus, you oversaw events that were totally antithetical to those standards that would be minimally expected of a president of a Catholic institution of higher learning.
After you were forced to de-fund "GU Choice," where was your outrage when students gathered in Red Square and shouted, "Keep your rosaries off our ovaries," and "Spit out the wafer, condoms are safer"? With authority, dignity and finality, you could have defended the most sacred Sacrament of your Church and publicly denounced them. In your failure to do so, you allowed the University's "free speech" policy to take precedence over this scurrilous attack on the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ.
Pornographer Larry Flynt spoke on campus in spite of your being advised against such by James Cardinal Hickey and Bishop William Lori. To no one's surprise, Flynt told the 900 assembled students that he supported flag-burning, defended bomb-making instructions on the Internet, S&M, bondage, lesbianism, degradation of women, homosexuality, masturbation and fetishes. Given the moral permissiveness on campus, it was also not surprising that students clapped and cheered when he asserted, "The Catholic Church has had its hand on our crotches for 2000 years." The media criticized both you and the University for having allowed Flynt on campus.
In a further scandal to the public and many students at the University, The Women's Center was allowed to mount a production of Eve Ensler's The Vagina Monologues. Students, staff and faculty attended a conference in conjunction with the national "V-Day College Initiative," which addressed women's sexual pleasure.
Free Speech at Georgetown. Read the rest at:
The above is an excerpt from: A Letter to Leo J O’Donovan SJ, former President of GU, written by Ann Sheridan, President of the Ignatian Society
ReplyDeleteThis letter succinctly traces the moral and sexual degradation that developed at ,and sadly remains, Georgetown University. Here is the link, again:
The Purpose of the Society
ReplyDelete“the progress of souls,” appears at the beginning of the first version of the Formula of the Institute (Regimini militantis Ecclesiae) in 1540, where the Society’s purpose is given as: “to strive especially for the progress of souls in Christian life and doctrine and for the propagation of the faith by the ministry of the word, by spiritual exercises and works of charity, and specifically by the education of children and unlettered persons in Christianity.” This intention of helping souls remained in the definitive version of the Formula of the Institute (Exposcit debitum) in 1550, and of course in the Constitutions. To “help souls” has, of course, their salvation in mind, as stated in the General Examen, where the purpose of the Society is expressed in terms of salvation, first of the members of the Society themselves and then of others: “with that same grace to labor strenuously in giving aid toward the salvation and perfection of the souls of their neighbors”
Thank you, Joseph!
ReplyDeleteTime for a refresher on the purpose of higher education. Catholic colleges and universities should close down if they aren't engaged in the testing of received knowledge & creation of new knowledge.
ReplyDeleteSo, now mortal sin and cooperation w/ evil--abortion, contraception, sodomy et cetera, fall under the category of "testing of received knowledge and creation of new knowledge".
ReplyDeleteYou are talking to the wrong audience pal.
"Cooperate"?! Since when is listening and debating "cooperation"?
ReplyDeleteSing, Mr. Pal
Ex Corde Ecclesiae was written to clarify and inforce the idea that students have the right ot know and be supported in forming their Christian character and knowledge. It is presumed that a student will be exposed to other influences as much as they chose . but the document is a way of assuring that students get what they ask of a catholic university.
ReplyDeleteStudents should be exposed to a wide range of ideas--some of which they might find offensive or deficient in some way. Ignorance is not the path to higher learning.
ReplyDeletePerhaps we should re-name Catholic universities & colleges "training institutes" to reflect the narrowed and indoctrinating programs that some bloggers seem to support.
ReplyDeleteYou may be right about calling catholic universities and colleges training institutes. Joseph reminds us what the purpose of a Jesuit institute is for, i.e.," the progress of souls... "
I think you're right. What I think is so profound about a catholic university setting is that the call to self-mastery and a constant quiet call to holiness enabled me to start discerning the good and the evil spirit at work on my life and start to make judgements accordingly.
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ReplyDeleteCongrats to Larry Flynt who has been accepted into the "Filthy Still" Club (Rev. 22:11) but who's evidently rejected a "Get Out Free" ticket offered 24/7 by Big J that's good during only one lifetime (length of lifetime not guaranteed)! If you know of any other potty mouths who would be good Hell-minded members of the Club, please send us their names.