More than 100 students and alumni of Georgetown University criticized activist
Sandra Fluke’s recent invitation to speak on campus without clarification of the Catholic Church’s teaching on contraception. The group signed a letter calling on the Jesuit university to release a statement
“clarifying its position on this fundamental issue of debate” to ensure that students are accurately informed on both the university’s current insurance policy and Church teaching. The statement came in response to an April 16 campus event, titled
“A Conversation with Sandra Fluke on Contraception Access.” Fluke gained national attention in February, when she testified before a policy committee for U.S. House Democrats on why she thought religious institutions such as Georgetown University should be required to provide free contraception to students. The Georgetown event, organized by the university’s student-run Lecture Fund and Public Policy Institute, was closed to outside press and the public.
G-Town isn't Catholic; it's Jesuit. They do not mean the same thing.
ReplyDeleteLOL Sawyer. LOL.
ReplyDeletePART I
Here is where Georgetown stood on the issue of life circa 2001:
Excerpt from a Letter to Leo J O’Donovan SJ, former President of Georgetown University, written by Ann Sheridan, President of the Ignatian Society
"You supported and refused to stop the University's funding of the student pro-abortion group, "G.U. Choice." Contrary to your misleading the Washington Post when you told its reporter that you were "heartened" that Cardinal Hickey did not agree to act on The Ignatian Society's canonical petition that "[he] remove Georgetown's Catholic identity and seize her chapels and campus ministries," His Eminence stated that, since Georgetown was a pontifical university, "What the Pope giveth, the Pope taketh away."
When The Ignatian Society then directly petitioned His Holiness to bring an end to this disgrace, the Vatican "instructed" the Jesuit Curia to "instruct" you to cease your support of the abomination of legalized abortion and to de-fund "G.U. Choice."
Molly Yard, Patricia Ireland, Kate Michelman, Sarah Weddington and other notorious pro-abortion apparatchiks spoke on Georgetown's campus, yet you refused to speak out against them and their message of contempt for the value and sanctity of all human life.
You allowed Georgetown to integrate a health plan (NCPPO), which provided 80% coverage for abortions. Contrary to your public statements, this coverage was not required by the District of Columbia government.
ReplyDeleteDuring your tenure, the Georgetown University hospital conducted fetal tissue research under a $58 mil. grant from the NIH. Aborted fetuses required for this research were found in a freezer in the hospital despite the Papal encyclical Donum Vitae, which expressly forbids in-vitro fertilization, or purely experimental research on human embryos, fetuses and fetal tissue procured from abortions. The hospital has now been sold to MedStar, which also owns the Washington Hospital Center where abortions are performed.
Georgetown received millions of dollars from USAID, a substantial portion of which was for the Natural Family Planning and Breast Feeding program that included research into abortifacient oral contraceptive transfer through placental barriers.
The Washington Archdiocese ceased funding the Pregnancy Aid Center in College Park, Maryland, due to its association with the Georgetown Midwifery Associates, who medicated postpartum patients with Depo-Provera for contraceptive purposes. The G.U. protocol permitted midwives to refer patients to other facilities for sterilization, which is collaboration with moral evil.
In the matter of Fr. Robert Drinan, S.J., you clearly knew of his pro-abortion history since the days when he served in the U.S. Congress, yet you allowed him, as a member of Georgetown's law faculty, to speak out in favor of abortion on many occasions and you did not disavow his article, published in the New York Times, in which he supported Clinton's veto of the ban on partial-birth abortion. Subsequent to The Ignatian Society's petition to Cardinal Ratzinger, that Fr. Drinan's priestly faculties in the Washington Archdiocese be removed, his retraction was forthcoming and he was ordered to give no further support for abortion.
You publicly identified yourself and Georgetown with Bill Clinton's notorious pro-abortion policies. This was the President whose first act after being inaugurated in 1993 was to sign the bill allowing funding for fetal tissue research and rather than publicly trying to persuade him to change his position, you basked in being a "Friend of Bill". Georgetown's alumni list was given to the Clinton Gore Re-Election Campaign '96, and a fund-raiser was held on campus at which you said you were going to vote for Bill Clinton. You flew on Air Force One, were a frequent guest at the White House, invited Clinton to speak at Georgetown, and erected a plaque in his honor on the outside wall of Old North next to the steps where George Washington spoke. Predictably, you refused The Ignatian Society's request that the word "Impeached" be added to the plaque.
The lives of those students who chose to have abortions because of their interpretation of your complicity as a Catholic priest in allowing the University to condone programs that advocated such a procedure, are scarred for life. YOU WILL NOT ONLY FOREVER BEAR A MORAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE DAMAGE DONE TO THEIR SOULS, YOU WILL BEAR A MORAL RESPONSIBILITY FOR THE UNBAPTIZED SOULS OF THEIR ABORTED BABIES.
We don't need a statement. I think we can exptrapolate, don't you? It is 2012. We are way further down the road, aren't we???
I just read that she's engaged -- to a man.