Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fr. Thomas Reese, S.J. Says "Archbishop Chaput Will Be A Real Pain In The Neck"

Father Thomas Reese, a Jesuit priest is regularly questioned by reporters looking for reactions
reduces the appointment to a political problem, saying that Archbishop Charles Chaput will be a real pain in the neck for the Democratic Party. 
Writing in the National Catholic Reporter, Michael Sean Winters, complains of the election of Archbishop Chaput. Liberal Catholic commentators were clearly shaken by appointment Chaput.
Link (here)  to the Social News Post


  1. I agree with Fr. Reese's prediction, but I see it as a good thing because the Democrat Party is the party of evil. Being a pain in the neck to evil is always a good thing. Archbishop Chaput is a holy and courageous disciple of Christ. Faithful followers of Christ will necessarily be in conflict with the Democrat Party.

  2. Chaput is a Christianist, not a Christian.

  3. Anon 11:13, you probably attended a Jesuit school. Chaput is a model Christian and a model bishop. Whom would you prefer? Bishop Gumbleton or Bishop Weakland? Ha ha ha...

  4. Bishop Gumbleton would be great, thank you for asking.

  5. Didn't Chaput attend a Jesuit school? USF?

  6. I am hoping Archbishop Chaput would be more of a pain in the neck for priests like Father Reese.

  7. Well done, Mr. Cattaneo!

  8. Thankfully, His Excellency has learned to be more prudent in speech than he was when first elevated. I pray that he continues along that path as it is difficult to seriously contribute to the cultural dialogue if you act like a blowhard.

  9. It is easy to be critical of conservative priests such as Archbishop Chaput.

    At the same time, it is also easy to be critical of liberal priests.

    Obedience to God will sometimes conform with liberal ideology, and sometimes conform with conservative ideology.

  10. am proud that my sons are Jesuit educated men. The Jesuits are the primary educators in this country. They use logic instead of fantasy in their teaching. They are God's pride. They don't change what they feel is right. They don't change ...important things in the Mass on a whim such as they do in Roma. They are cognizant of the ever changing society and it's effect on spirituality and people. Bravo to the Jesuits and the Passioinists who have their heads on straight! Many of the priests of diocese are mere puppets and their thought processes are brain washed. Don't bad mouth the Jesuits


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