Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fr. John Dear, S.J. Calls The United States, "The Biggest Global Terrorists"

Fr. John Dear, S.J.
In less than two months, the US military and its media machine will tell us to mark the tenth anniversary of the September 11th attacks by celebrating their warmaking efforts --and continuing to live in fear. We were attacked, so we bombed Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, killed hundreds of thousands of people, tortured thousands more, rebuilt our nuclear installations, threw out our basic liberties and spied on millions. In our so-called “war on terrorism,” we became the biggest global terrorists, threatening the planet with drones, bombs, and a spanking-new nuclear weapons arsenal.
Link (here) to read the full diatribe.


  1. Fr. John Dear is a leftist nitwit and a tiresome anti-American who doesn't grasp that the institutions he criticizes protect and make possible the criticisms he levies. He actually asserts a moral equivalence between Islamic jihadist terrorists and the American military? Besides which, pacifism is the pseudo high ground of moral dolts. Pacifism ensures that evil wins and that the innocent needlessly suffer. The Gospel does not demand pacifism because the Gospel does not demand foolishness.

  2. Given the sweep and scope of American history Fr. Dear is correct.

  3. @Anon 1.35 a.m. Very eloquently put, I couldn't agree more. The guy is a whackjob who spends his days on this earth disrespecting the country that made him and allows him to be the whackjob he is today. I'm so tired of these 70's blowhards.

  4. People who dissent contribute to making this country possible as well (e.g., civil rights workers).

    "The Gospel does not demand pacifism because the Gospel does not demand foolishness."

    Please come in out of the sun and re-hydrate. You're not making sense.

  5. Why doesn't Fr Dear go live in one of the countries that the US is 'terrorizing' so that he can spread the gospel of peace and love there, too.

  6. Actually, he has lived in some of those countries.

    Why don't you go live in one of the repressive regimes that the USA govt. (and your tax $$) support?

  7. @Anon 3.41 -- spoken like a true Jesuit, given your using the phrase 'your taxes' since it's obvious you don't pay any.

    Why would I go live in a repressive regime? I like it here. It's the greatest nation on God's green earth. Why don't the ones who hate it so much leave? Cuba. Vietnam. North Korea. Belorussia. Take your pick.

  8. Oh, I pay taxes, although I'm tempted not to pay them.

    Why on earth would I want to live in North Korea? Is Fr. Dear arguing that it is a better country than the USA? I thought he was examing the ways USA economic and military power have been a repressive for other peoples.

    It's pretty lame if all you have by way of a response if to wave the flag.

  9. Waving the American flag is not our only response, but it is one of them. I notice that leftists don't wave the flag because they consider nationalism abhorrent. I take pride in my great country. The best response is to vote for God-fearing, conservative, Republican politicians so that the U.S.A. isn't run into the ground by leftist morons in the Democrat Party, with the current occupant of the White House being most inept President that the United States has ever had. Anyone who votes Democrat is either an idiot or an America hater.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. May God bless Father John. He is truly doing God's work. It is very brave to keep working for peace in the upstream tide against small minded persons who adore country before the Lord. Please keep up your fine efforts, continuing to bless those who persecute you. They know not what they are doing. And may God bless our fine president, too, and inspire him to work more for peace on earth.

  12. Has anyone else's gaydar gone off the chart when they've heard this guy speak? Seriously fruity.

  13. anonymous says-------Some of these comments are

    beyond disgraceful and should have been erased long ago.

    Who runs this page anyway? Find him a job!,

  14. John Dear is a courageous and obviously dedicated follower of Jesus of Nazareth. He will be a loss to the credibility of the Society of Jesus, who were even 40 years ago, leaders in the peace and justice movement in El Salvador, Peru, and other parts of Latin America as well as in other parts of the world. I'm not sure what the "J" stands for now...

  15. No idea but the fact that there are now more ex-Jesuits than members of the Society probably means that nobody cares very much one way or the other.
    "Activists" who've never had a real job or had to pay their own rent or health insurance or buy their own food aren't in much of a position to tell the rest of the world how to live.
    Being a vegan is another Thing White People Like-another of his causes.
    The largest religious group in the US, after Catholics, is ex-Catholics. This man clearly isn't drawing many into either his former order or what will probably soon be his former church. Will almost certainly end up Episcopal like Matthew Fox, at which point he'll continue to drift off into oblivion.

  16. I'm a disciple of Jesus, not a Christian nor a Catholic because neither of those religions follow the teachings, principles and way of living Jesus did.

    I am a native American, not a citizen of the evil united states, although many idiots in and out of government would say I am because of some silly words in the constitution-of-no-authority. Those loud-mouthed simpletons who have been denigrating Fr. Dear on this site should get out of our country and go back to their own native home in the netherworld.


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