Friday, May 20, 2011

Yesterday And Today : Boston College Alum And Former Trustee Jack Connors

From May 2007 Jack Connors Commencement address at Boston College
John M. "Jack" Connors
Jack Connors regaled Boston College graduates today with his own story of how he made it through the school despite little money and family tragedy. Connors paid his way through Boston College in the 1960s, selling peanuts and hot dogs at Fenway Park and driving a Checker Taxi. His mother died of colon cancer during his junior year. Yet, by the time he was 25, John M. "Jack" Connors Jr. was on the fast track in the advertising industry, poised to become a corporate vice president of advertising for a Detroit automobile maker. He didn't want to leave New England, so he instead began an advertising firm in Boston with three other friends -- the now-prestigious firm of Hill, Holliday, Connors, Cosmopulos Inc. "Being here today is like coming home for me," Connors told the more than 3,000 graduates and 15,000 spectators at BC's Alumni Stadium. "I first came to Boston College some 48 years ago having been taught by my parents and family about respect, honesty, faith, hard work, and loyalty. Then the Jesuits taught me how to think...."
Link (here) to the full Boston Globe article. 

From May 03, 2011 Jack Connors is taking heat for supporting pro-abortion President Obama by virtue of his service on the Archdiocese Finance Council and Campaign for Catholic Schools is considered to be in the category of “Church Personnel,”
Eileen Connors, Cardinal O'Malley and Jack Connors
From the Boston Globe- Connors, a millionaire many times over who is dedicated to helping those in need, said he was impressed by Obama’s practice of being friendly to everyone he met, from the police officer who escorted him to the waitstaff in the hotel. Connors ended up introducing Obama at three Boston fundraisers during the 2008 campaign, but he largely receded into the background after the president was elected. His more recent focus has been raising the $120 million needed to build and endow the Edward M. Kennedy Institute for the United States Senate in Dorchester. Yet as Obama and Biden gear up their reelection effort, Connors feels compelled to help. His fundraiser is generating $35,800 per couple. “A lot of my friends who have made a bunch of money like I did are Republicans, and I’m still tied to being a Democrat, and I think the president said it right the other day: ‘It’s about values,’” he said….
Link (here) to the full piece Boston Catholic Insider 
More on the subject at The Cardinal Newman Society (here)

1 comment:

  1. When Vice President Joe Biden wanted to meet the right people in March to set up the fundraising apparatus for his and President Obama’s reelection committee, it was Jack Connors who greeted him at his 60th floor office in the John Hancock Tower and then took him down two flights for a reception he put together.

    And when Obama comes to Boston in a couple weeks to ask for cash itself, it will be Connors again who welcomes him, this time at his Brookline home.

    The president will leave with about $2 million from a dinner that is already sold out.

    Teflon Card O'Malley

    Teflon Society of Jesus.

    What is to stop either of them ?The Catholic hierarchy permits them to follow their instincts that lead them : "first to pride, then riches and ambition".


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