Thursday, May 19, 2011

Fr. Paul Carrier, S.J. And Fairfield University Named In 20 Million Dollar Lawsuit

Fr. Paul Carrier, S.J.
One of the Haitian victims of Douglas Perlitz has filed a $20 million civil law suit against Perlitz, and not only against Perlitz, but also against Father Paul Carrier, the priest who was instrumental in raising millions of dollars to sustain the school that Perlitz ran in Haiti, against Fairfield University which employed Father Carrier for many years, and against the New England Order of the Society of Jesus, in other words the Jesuit Order that runs Fairfield University. The suit also names The Haiti Fund, the umbrella charity for the Haitian school, Hope Carter, who was a member of the Board of Directors of the Haiti Fund, and a dozen others, who are identified only as John Doe One through John Doe Twelve. The attorney for the victim is Mitchell Garabedian, the lead attorney in obtaining an $85 million settlement against the Archdiocese of Boston for 500 victims of abuse by priests, and the lead attorney in obtaining a $10 million settlement against ex-priest John Geoghan and the Archdiocese of Boston on behalf of 87 other victims of sexual abuse.
Link (here) to read the full story at Minute Man News

1 comment:

  1. Who is the more worst Jesuit, Rev. Paul E. Carrier or Jesuit Fr. Jerold Lindner, who served in pedophilia-plagued Cardinal Mahony’s archdiocese from 1982 to 1997 at the Jesuit Loyola High School, Los Angles. Fr. Lindner is in the national news because he was allegedly struck in 2010 by a man who Lindner allegedly abused 35-years ago when the man was a child. Lindner also served as an assistant Scoutmaster for Troop 1193 at St. Thomas the Apostle Church, near the Loyola High campus.

    Alleged serial sex abuser Fr. Lindner, with $2 million paid out by the Jesuit Order in regard to his sex abuse settlements may have had five decades of Boy Scout affiliation from the 1950s and into the 1990s or later. Lindner joined the Boy Scouts in the 1950s and had a troop of 75 Boy Scouts in 1962 when he was only 18. Lindner advanced to be the Boy Scout Chaplain for the Catholic Committee on Scouting, Los Angles Area Council in 1994.


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