Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Mexican Jesuit Organization Publicly Supports Abortion

Fr. Luis Arriaga, S.J.
Archbishop Terrence Prendergast of Ottawa announced that Father Luis Arriaga, a fellow Jesuit and director of Centro Prodh (the Miguel Pro Centre) in Mexico City, would not be making scheduled presentations at the diocesan center and local parishes because of the “Centre’s support of groups espousing abortion.” According to press reports, Centro Prodh is a partner of the Canadian Catholic Organization for Development and Peace (CCODP), the official international development organization of the Church in Canada. CCODP had sponsored Father Arriaga’s appearances in Canada as part of its Share Lent campaign. 
“Since the Centre’s support of groups in favor of abortion rights in Mexico is incompatible with the Church’s defense of the right to life from conception to natural death and the mission of Development and Peace, and in order to remove any doubt about this commitment, the speaking engagements of Fr. Arriaga have been cancelled,” 
the Ottawa archdiocese announced.
Link (here) Lifesite to read the full article.

1 comment:

  1. To The Blessed Virgin of Sorrows

    Let me live my life at your side, my Mother, and be the companion of your bitter
    solitude and your profound pain. Let my soul feel your eyes’ sad weeping and the
    abandonment of your heart.

    On the road of my life I do not wish to savor the happiness of Bethlehem, adoring
    the Child Jesus in your virginal arms. I do not wish to enjoy the amiable presence
    of Jesus Christ in the humble little house of Nazareth. I do not care to accompany
    you on your glorious Assumption to the angels’ choir.

    For my life, I covet the jeers and mockery of Calvary; the slow agony of your Son,
    the contempt, the ignominy, the infamy of His Cross. I wish to stand at your side,
    most sorrowful Virgin, strengthening my spirit with your tears, consummating my
    sacrifice with your martyrdom, sustaining my heart with your solitude, loving my
    God and your God with the immolation of my being.

    March 13, 1927
    Blessed Miguel Pro, S.J.

    Less than two weeks before his death, Blessed Miguel offered to share Our Lady’s Sorrow at Calvary. His prayer was granted.


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