Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Bankruptcy, Indians, Safeco, Apology, Victims, Priests And Thanking Victims

A 90-page plan filed Monday night in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Portland, Ore., also spells out how the  Oregon Jesuits will apologize to mostly Native American and Alaska Native victims abused at Jesuit schools in Alaska and the Northwest. 
The Oregonian says the plan shows Safeco Insurance Co. will pay $118 million and the region's Jesuits will contribute $43.1 million, with nearly $6.5 million set aside for future claims. The payout also specifies legal fees. 
The plan says the area's top Jesuit leader will send apology letters to victims. The Portland-based Jesuit province will also post a website link to the names of its priests who were identified as abusers. And a Jesuit statement thanking victims who spoke up will be published as a retail ad in newspapers from Montana to Alaska.
Link (here) to the full article at The Seattle Times


  1. Diarmuid Martin's Admission: No Remorse on Part of Most Abusers
    Posted at: Wednesday, April 06, 2011 09:33:27 AM
    Author: James Martin, S.J.

    In a blunt lecture on Monday at Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wis., Archbishop Diarmuid Martin of Dublin made what to my mind is a stunning admission about the sexual abuse crisis in the church: With perhaps "two exceptions" he has "not encountered a real and unconditional admission of guilt and responsibility on the part of priest offenders" in his diocese. That is, the abusive priests in his diocese, with only a few exceptions, do not seem remorseful.

    And, yet, the lawyers are having to legally extract an apology from the Society for their sins. It seems more than passing strange, remarkable, in fact, that America Magazine feels capable of throwing stones.

  2. Maria,

    I agree.

    And it is very sad that the Jesuits are among the better groups of people here.

    It remains to be seen if they can change to again become servants of God -- rather than servants of Church orthodoxy.

  3. Maria,

    did the Jebbies not apologize of their own accord?

    I could see this apology as plaintiff attorney boilerplate.

  4. Really useful info, lots of thanks for your post.


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