Friday, January 21, 2011

American Jesuit Died While On His Annual Retreat

The n@ked body of 72-year-old Fr. Ferdinand Azevedo, S.J. was found by members of his congregation in the northeastern city of Paulista. The body was in a kneeling position and in an advanced state of decomposition. 
The apartment in Janga, a seaside suburb of Paulista, was maintained by the Jesuit order to accommodate priests on individual retreats. However, despite the circumstances in which it was found, the body did not show any signs of violence or visible wounds, police said. 
The priest, who had lived in Brazil since 1975 and came to be the regional head of the Jesuits in Pernambuco, each year took a 10-day retreat in Janga.
Link (here) to read the full story at Hindustan Times

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