Friday, January 21, 2011

8 Jesuits Make The Boston List Of 117


  1. why isn't McInnis a clickable name?

  2. I would like to talk to the person who writes this. I hope someone emails me.
    I feel like McInnis is a big loop hole (not because of this page). There is never anything on him and I KNOW first hand that he is a monster

  3. I agree, I just received a letter from the Archdiocese of Boston identifying McInnis as my abuser finally. He befriended me, made me feel special and exploited me; only to be reassigned to go on the abuse others after I had exposed him to the school WHEN it happened in 1979-80ish

  4. He abused me in 1968-69. I speed SNAP in 1994 but no one had reported him and figured he was too old or dead so no one else would be hurt anymore

  5. . Meant to say "called" snap. Typo w spell check


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