On May 27, the Jesuit-led resolution will again be considered at Chevron’s annual shareholder meeting. In the weeks prior to the meeting, Chevron stockholders will be casting their votes regarding this resolution.
We petition all Jesuit institutions and friends of the Society to engage in two actions: (1) If you own Chevron stock, vote FOR the Jesuit-led shareholder resolution to develop a Human Rights policy (Item # 9 on the Proxy Ballot); (2) Pray that decision-makers at Chevron corporate leadership may see that their social license and long-term interest are best served by protecting human life and promoting the human potential of the host community.In lands which are resource-rich, the rewards of these natural gifts have not been shared by all and almost paradoxically mineral wealth often worsens the living standards of people located near the resources. The title of an extensive November, 2006 report by the Nigerian Catholic Bishops says it all, “The Travesty of Oil and Gas Wealth.” Through civil conflicts, corruption and environmental damage, conditions of host communities often deteriorate. Royalties and rents paid to the central governments are often misdirected, lost or wasted. Sometimes civilians are caught in the violent clashes between armed factions, including contracted security forces which are needed to put down any threat to company operations. While host governments have a responsibility to their own citizens, multinational companies also have a vital role given their influence and their sizeable footprint in these regions.
The religious community brings the earned trust of host communities and can help provide a space for dialogue on issues. U.S. and Canadian Jesuit Provinces are united in our shareholder advocacy promoting human rights and sustainable water use practices.Jesuit provinces are currently leading shareholder engagements with Chevron, OM Group, Monsanto, Occidental Petroleum and we will soon be engaging a new company regarding their stewardship of water.
Link (here) to the PDF entitled, Prayer/Proxy request for Jesuit shareholder Advocacy dated April 2009.
Photo is of the Chevron Oil Rig named Genesis, south of New Orleans in the Gulf of Mexico
Moxy Vote launched a new site in November at www.moxyvote.com that will help individual investors get more involved in corporate governance. The site allows individual investors to align their brokerage accounts with professional advocates who have informed opinions on proxy ballots.
ReplyDeleteCurrently, the site has 20 advocates. Many of the advocates are religious organizations.
Moxy Vote is a neutral platform. It does not pick sides. Its goal is to just get retail investors to vote their proxies.