Sunday, January 10, 2010

The Cave At Manresa

The architectural complex of the Cave is a good example of Jesuit architecture and in particular of the Catalan baroque.
Besides this noble artistic interest, the place has a great symbolic significance for the Society of Jesus because the ideas of its Founder took shape in it. Since the XVI century this place was revered and was considered a sacred place of Ignatian devotion.
At first a cross over the Cave was built and the Cave was shut with a gate; Later, in 1603, a small Chapel was built. The number of visitors increased gradually and for more than four centuries the place was dignified by adding new buildings.

Link (here)


  1. Thanks for introducing me to this and a new term for my vocabulary: "Catalan Baroque".

  2. Lieber Gunter,

    Wie geht es?
    You have an extensive vocabulary, to be assured.
    Meine Familie kommt aus Ostpreußen,woher kommt Ihre Familie stammen?


  3. Hi Joseph:

    Danke gut. Frankfurt, on my mother's side.

    Marc (Gunter is my nom de plume)


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