Tuesday, August 18, 2009

"Rest In Peace" Fr. James J. Donnelly, S.J.

Fr. James J. Donnelly, a Jesuit priest residing in Nepal for decades, passed away at 3 am Monday morning.

Fr. Donnelly came to Nepal in 1961 and taught at St. Xavier's School Godavari till 1968. From there, he moved on to teach at St. Xavier's School Jawalakhel from 1969 to 1980. He then moved back to St. Xavier's School Godavari as the principal from 1981 to 1990.
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Fr. Donnelly again moved back to teach at St. Xavier's School Jawalakhel from 1992 to 2000, before retiring.

Fr. Donnelly was born in Cincinnati, Ohio and just celebrated his 80th birthday on August 5th. He was hospitalised for the past week suffering from various ailments.

Fr Donnelly was also a basketball coach and had the uncanny ability to remember the names of all students he taught.

His funeral will be held at the Church of Assumption of Dhobighat in Lalitpur at 3 pm today. He will be buried at St. Xavier's School Godavari.

A more detailed exploration of Fr.Donnelly's life (here).


  1. Fr. Donnelly taught me english in the eighth grade. Legendary, in his own right, was his teaching methods at our school. He taught three generations of students. My friends fathers were taught by him. My two brothers were taught by him. I apologize to him that the Nepalese government's foolishness always prevented him from becoming a Nepalese citizen. However, noone needs to be told how Nepali he was. His temperament was famous as well. You would not want to be near him when he yelled. R.I.P. his anger as well. One word that sums his ambitious life----selfless.

  2. He gave me the very foundation of written English that I used today - this happened in the year 1996, class 8, section A, St.Xavier's School, Jawalakhel, Nepal.

    He was a living lexicon - all those who know him will agree. I have seen no one so versed in the English language as him.

    To me, he was more Nepali than I ever will be.

    May peace be with him.


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