Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All In A Days Work For Saint Ignatius of Loyola

Another fruit of his zeal was the renewal of the laws against duelling by the king of Portugal, at his request, and also there-establishment of religious discipline in various monasteries of Catalonia, Sicily, and Italy, which had been intrusted to his care. He also assisted in establishing a court of inquiry, composed of six Cardinals, whose object was to prevent the new heresies from penetrating into Italy.
He brought about a reconciliation between the Pope and the king of Portugal; he concerted with John de Vega to persuade the Emperor Charles V. to fit out a fleet against the Turks
; he solicited from Paul III. the re-establishment of an ancient law of Innocent III., which had fallen into disuse, by which all physicians were forbidden, under heavy penalties, to continue their visits to the sick, unless they endeavored to heal their souls as well as their bodies, by the sacrament of penance.

Link (here) to the book entitled, History of the Life and Institute of St. Ignatius de Loyola, Fr. Daniello Bartoli, S.J.

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