Saturday, April 18, 2009

Giving Jesus Credit

Oddly, however, although the president didn’t mind quoting Jesus without credit,
his advance team insisted that all religious symbols be covered in the place in which he was speaking. Incredibly, Georgetown officials complied.
At the request of the White House, officials at the university placed cover over the letters IHS — the Greek abbreviation for the name of Jesus.....
Now, if I were a conspiratorial sort of thinker, which I am not,
I might suspect that Obama is deliberately trying to divide Catholics.
But this is not a conspiracy. Obama is merely capitalizing on a cultural shift that has been in process for a long time. Over the last half century or so, Catholics have undergone a kind of psychological development, moving from the embattled and impoverished immigrant class, unsure of their own status in a hostile culture, to founding their own institutions, serving their country, and becoming as successful as any WASP capitalist in getting their share of the American Dream.

Link (here) to the National Review Online article entitled, The Catholic Identity Crisis What the Georgetown and Notre Dame controversies reveal.
By Rev. Robert A. Sirico

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