Saturday, April 18, 2009

Former Jesuit, Bashes Bishops In Jesuit Magazine

More Light, Less Heat

The column by John F. Kavanaugh, S.J., on the recent controversy over President Barack Obama’s scheduled appearance at the commencement ceremony at the University of Notre Dame (“Outrages,” 4/13 online edition) is a fine contribution to the dismal story of Catholic attacks on

Obama, is the first president in quite a while who seems genuinely committed to seeking the common good.
Beyond the particular issue, what is most disquieting is the latent venom in so many Catholics, just waiting to be called into action by some poisonous standard-bearer. Of course the issue of abortion is a serious one; but it is a complex issue, not one best dealt with in haste or by over-simplification.
It is a great pity that the American bishops do not choose to lead by recognizing the complexity of the issue on which they are called to teach,
and then teaching in a way that produces more light and less heat.

In the resultant moral vacuum, it is no surprise that demagogues can whip up the masses on matters whose complexity they have not explored. And I wonder how many of them have reflected on the fact that this man they apparently hate is breaking his back trying to save their jobs, their pensions and perhaps their way of life.

Paul Lakeland

Fairfield, Conn.

Link (here)

Photo is of Paul Lakeland

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