Friday, February 13, 2009

Peace With Everyone Else Except The Holy Father

Rabbi Yehuda Levin says he sees the media attack on Pope Benedict as being more about the influx of morally conservative Catholics into the mainstream of the Catholic Church, rather than anything else, including the holocaust denial of one of the SSPX bishops, which has received widespread media coverage.
"This is just going to increase the frenzy of left wing Catholics, whether outside the Church or inside, because they now have to carry the ball in terms of keeping the attack on the Pope going."
German dissident priest-theologian Hans Kung is one such left-wing Catholic,
who recently suggested in an article that Barack Obama would make a better Pope than Benedict.
Writing in the German publication Sueddeutsche, Kung expressed his wish that Obama were the Pope. "The mood in the church is oppressive, reforms are paralyzed, and the church in crisis," he said. "Benedict is unteachable in matters of birth control and abortion, arrogant and without transparency and restrictive of freedom and human rights."

Link (here)

Photo is of Rabbi Levin with his Holiness Pope John Paul II

From Georgetown a few months ago, the President John J. DeGioia had this (here) to say.

Father Kung is uniquely qualified to speak to the “Challenges to Islam, Christianity and Judaism in Today’s Global Crisis,” and we are truly privileged to have him with us today. Given his experience and expertise, I know that he will provide an invaluable perspective on how to deepen interfaith and interreligious understanding in the global community…on how the three monotheistic faiths can address today’s challenges…and on how to continue the enduring legacy—and spirit— of Nostra Aetate.

It is now my pleasure to introduce Father Hans Kung… .

1 comment:

  1. Was Hans Kung brought in on a stretcher and did he give his talk on life-support? At his age I am amazed that he was fit enough to make the journey, let alone give a lecture, poor fellow. Yesterday's men, however, have a certain interest and, while appealing to his contemporaries in Jurassic Park, will have curiosity value, if little else, for the young. But I doubt if they listened to a word, assuming that any were present. I suspect that this was a day out for the old folk.


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