Friday, February 13, 2009

Jesuit High School Teacher And Martians

Local teacher believes Mars had ancient civilization!
By Patricia Ress

Creighton Prep architecture instructor Harry Jordan believes that civilizations rise and fall and come and go. On earth there is an abundance of evidence for this.

"In ancient Greek classics there are references to robots and to Jason and the Argonauts. The Mayans talked about planetary harmonics which some scholars suggest could have been a reference to radio astronomy. And when Jesuit missionaries were sent to Christianize the Mayans, many simply returned back home because they were so frightened by the high technology they encountered,"
he said. "Americans need to be informed about what did or could have happened. We shouldn't be kept in the dark by intellectual celebacy or a misguided sense of national security. We need to know who or what could be leading us to the slaughter again," he added.

Jordan knows what he is talking about. He holds an MFA from the famous Cranbeck Academy of Bloomfield Hills , Michigan-an institution started by Ero and Elisle Saarinen who designed the St. Louis Arch. While living in Rome, he did excavation drawings for a museum there and this helped him to more keenly distinguish between manmade and natural landscapes.

"I became in all this back in 1985 when I saw a UPI story in the Omaha World-Herald about a photo of a face on Mars. Having been in the Navy, I realized that you can see artifacts easily if you have some previous experience for doing this, say, as a pilot,"
Jordan explained. "After initial phone contact, I was directed to Richard C. Hoagland, principal associate of the Independent Mars Project Investigation Team. I was asked if I would be interested in generating recognition work in the form of drawings illustrating patterns at the Cydonia Region of Mars. I was further informed that this exercise was part of a recognition pattern experiment to provide further data for this investigation. I was asked to draw whatever I felt was interesting or curious in two NASA Viking photos."

Jordan formerly served in the US Navy's Operation Intelligence Division on the USS Franklin D. Roosevelt. Radar intelligence data and electronics experience gained in the Navy combined with his architectural background eventually provided objective confirmation of initials findings of the Mars Investigation Team totally independent of their controlled scientific group. When he received the NASA frames, Jordan began drawing overlays of the entire Cydonia Region from enlarged mainframe photo-mosaics produced by White's Color Center of Omaha. Owner Warren White and associate John McIntyre produced the first 5'x3' mainframe enlargements in the country of the Cydonia Region. White had previous Air Force photo experience.

Link (here) to the full article

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this article. To clarify: the institute in Michigan is called Cranbrook. The original designer of the physical campus was indeed Eliel Saarinen. But the founders of the institution were George and Ellen Booth of the famous American newspaper and publishing family.


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