Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Movie To Misrepresent Jesuits And Catholicism

THE SPIDER, which is set to film in Istanbul and Manhattan, has already managed to attract a load of talent.
The iconic Malcolm McDowell has signed on to play “a Jesuit priest with a secret agenda,” says Sigl,
while three-time Academy Award winner Howard Shore will take on composing duties. Furthermore, casting director John Hubbard and Oscar-nominated special FX supervisor Ian Wingrove have also agreed to take part in the film.
It seems Wingrove will have his work cut out for him as the story plans to surreally move from the present into visions of the past.
“As our story takes us through modern Istanbul and at some point seamlessly back into the ancient times of Emperor Constantine the Great, who reigned from 324 until 337, the production design and the visual effects must contribute to the overall strangeness our hero feels when he enters an unusual world,”
Sigl says. “In order to give the movie an almost mythical and mystical soul, the effects should be as subtle as possible to create the perfect illusion of everyday reality blending effortlessly into nightmarish visions of a former life lived some 1700 years ago.” Such sights will apparently include an Istanbul alley suddenly mutating into the site of a Byzantine funeral procession, and “a shapeshifting weaver woman literally melting into her own tapestry before she gets hacked out again by the swords of Roman soldiers,” Sigl says.

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