Sunday, January 25, 2009

Jesuit College Students Attend March For Life In Washington DC

Students for Life at St. Louis University is sending a busload of 56 for this year’s march, according to staff adviser and SLU campus minister Steve Fowler.

Students are planning to attend the annual Students for Life of America conference, hosted on the campus of Catholic University in Washington, D.C.

Several SLU students also are expected to attend an inaugural reception for the Life Prizes Award, given to individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to upholding the sanctity of human life. The award is sponsored by the Gerard Health Foundation. Fowler noted that Students for Life was nominated for the award, but was not one of this year’s recipients.

The morning of the march, Students for Life will join with students from other U.S. Jesuit high schools and universities at Gonzaga College High School in Washington for a Mass. While in Washington, SLU students are primarily staying with families from Gonzaga, said Fowler.

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