Wednesday, July 2, 2008

My Uncle Pedro Is A Jesuit

Despite the F-Bombs, bad taste in music and an unnatural man crush on U.S. Rep. Dennis Kucinich it is a pretty neat travelogue with a Jesuit as main character .
Here is an excerpt by Fr. Pedro's nephew.
My Uncle Pedro (Walpole) is a Jesuit Priest here, though he spends all of his time working on ESSC (Environmental Science for Social Change), AFN (Asia Forest Network) and APC (
APU Palamguwan Cultural Education Center), as Executive Director of these organizations. I had an idea of the work he did here, but not really. It’s tough and relentless and requires full devotion. He lived in Burma for a while, but, when forced to leave, he settled in the Philippines (after a stint in Malaysia) where he’s worked for the past 25 odd years. He has dedicated, and is dedicating, his life to this work. I think this hardcore commitment gene has skipped a generation as the only thing I could see myself being so passionate about is Garth Merenghi’s Darkplace.

Link to the lengthy post (here)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree that your uncle is a super fellow. I met him this week in Bangkok at a Language Development Conference and would never have guessed he was a Jesuit priest, but as I look back on it, felt the pull of truth in a man of God.

Thanks for your posting and description of your trip.