Monday, May 19, 2008

University Of San Fransisco And The Politics Of AIDS

“Role model for USF students”
Jesuit university honors openly homosexual AIDS ambassador who promotes condom use
Among those receiving honorary degrees at University of San Francisco commencement ceremonies this past weekend was Ambassador Mark Dybul, an open homosexual with a same-sex partner about whom he makes no secret. Dybul has served as U.S. Global AIDS coordinator under President George W. Bush.

At his swearing-in ceremony in October 2006, Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice welcomed Dybul’s family members, including his partner, Jason Claire, and Claire’s mother, whom Rice called Dybul’s “mother-in-law.”

Laura Bush was present at the swearing in, looking on while Dybul’s partner held the Bible on which Dybul placed his hand while taking the oath of office. According to a USF press release, the university honored Dybul “for his work at the forefront of the international fight against HIV/AIDS as the U.S. global AIDS coordinator.” According to the release, “Dybul is a role model for USF students as someone with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed, and the values and sensitivity to be men and women for others.” "Dr. Dybul's life and work reflect USF's core value of advancing a 'culture of service that respects and promotes the dignity of every person,'" says the citation awarded to him, according to the press release.

Jesuit-run USF is not the first Catholic organization to have recognized Dybul. In February, he was one of two recipients of the first Mother Teresa International Humanitarian Award. The event was organized by the United Nations Program on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) and the Catholic Bishops' Conference of India Health Commission.

Cardinal Telesphore Toppo, a past president of the Indian Conference of Catholic bishops, presented the awards. Dybul has been a defender of President Bush’s ABC HIV/AIDS prevention program, which has been criticized for its emphasis on abstinence. “ABC (Abstain, Be faithful, correct and consistent use of Condoms) is good public health, based on respect for local culture -- it is an African solution, developed in Africa, not in the U.S.,” Dybul said in an April 13, 2006 “Ask the State Department” Internet forum. ABC, he said, “provides comprehensive information so people can decide how to protect themselves.”


  1. Unrelated but funny:

    Have you heard the one about the young man who was sitting in church for hours praying fervently when approached by a priest who asked, 'May I help you, my son ?' said - 'Father, I am making a novena for a Lexus' and the priest asked, 'What is a Lexus my son ?' The young man explained it was a high end car, the priest said he did not pray for material things and it was getting late so if he wanted to continue to pray he could go down the street to the Jesuit parish, they were open late. The young man again became deep in prayer and a Jesuit came out and asked, 'May I help you, my son ?' and the young man again explained that he was making a novena for a Lexus - - - the Jesuit asked, 'What is a novena, my son ?'

  2. Classic! I told my favorite Jesuit a version of that one, however he was not as thrilled with it as I was.



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