Sunday, May 18, 2008

Martyred Jesuit, Was Hanged, Beheaded, Bowelled And Quartered

Bl. Peter Wright (†1651)
Blessed Fr Peter Wright, S.J., of Slipton, Northamptonshire, England suffered for his priesthood, his vows of religion and his Catholic Faith at Tyburn on 19 May, 1651. His execution on Whit Monday took place before over 20 000 spectators, as Bishop Challoner relates: Having celebrated Mass with great devotion, the time drew near when he was to go down in order for execution. Hearing the knocking at the iron grate, he took it as a summons from Heaven, and cried out:
I come, sweet Jesus, I come.
When Fr Wright was called out to the hurdle, he went with so much alacrity and speed that the officers could scarce keep pace with him; then being placed on the hurdle he made a short act of contrition; and in the midst of mutual embraces was absolved by Fr Cheney, and then drawn away to Tyburn through the streets crowded with an innumerable multitude of people. He was drawn on the hurdle more like one sitting than lying down; his head was covered, his countenance smiling, a certain air of majesty, and a courage and cheerfulness in his comportment, which was both surprising and edifying, not only to the Catholics who crowded to ask his benediction, but to the Protestants themselves, as many publicly declared. Thirteen malefactors were appointed to die with him, to whom the father endeavoured to give seasonable advice for the welfare of their souls, but was continually interrupted by the minister, and therefore desisted, betaking himself to silent prayer, in which he employed about an hour, standing with his eyes shut, his hands joined before his breast, his countenance sweet and amiable, and his whole body without motion as one in deep contemplation. When the minister took occasion to tell him it was not yet too late, and that he might save his life if he would renounce the errors of Popery:

If I had a thousand lives I would most willingly give them all up in defence of the Catholic religion. The hangman having fitted the rope to his neck, the confessor made a short speech to the spectators: Gentlemen, this is a short passage to eternity; my time is now short, and I have not much to speak. I was brought hither charged with no other crime but being a priest. I willingly confess I am a priest; I confess I am a Catholic; I confess I am a religious man of the Society of Jesus, or as you call it, a Jesuit.
This is the cause for which I die; for this alone was I condemned, and for propagating the Catholic faith, which is spread through the whole world, taught
through all ages from Christ's time, and will be taught for all ages to come.
For this cause I most willingly sacrifice my life, and would die a thousand times for the same if it were necessary; and I look upon it my greatest happiness, that my most good God has chosen me most unworthy to this blessed lot, the lot of the saints. This is a grace which so unworthy a sinner could scarce have wished, much less hoped for. And now I beg of the goodness of my God with all the fervour I am able, and most humbly entreat Him that He would drive from you that are Protestants the darkness of error, and enlighten your minds with the rays of truth. And as for you Catholics, my fellow soldiers and comrades, as many of you as are here I earnesdy beseech you to join in prayer for me and with me till my last moment; and when I shall come to Heaven I will do as much for you. God bless you all; I forgive all men. From my heart I bid you all farewell till we meet in a happy eternity.

Having spoken to this effect, he again recollected himself a while in prayer, and then the cart was drawn away, and he was suffered to hang till he quietly expired. His dead body was cut down, beheaded, bowelled, and quartered. His friends were permitted to carry off his head and quarters which were translated to Liege, and there honourably deposited in the college of the English Jesuits. He suffered aged 48, and after 22 years of religious life. He was beatified in 1929.
Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints, †
Thank you Fr. Z for the Hat Tip, reader go to the link (here) and read the comments section in Fr. Z's blog, What Does The Prayer Really Say, they are interesting.

Link (here)


  1. Kudos to you for getting picked up over at WDTPRS - I bet your blog stats for yesterday were terrific!

  2. I do rather like it well enough... But I wouldn't mind to find some paintings, icons or drawings of the martyrs more reflective of their heavenly glory!

    I would run the English and Welsh martyrs more on my "saint of the day" feature if I had more paintings and drawings of them...

  3. Ever get massive hits from a foreign language site? I am getting 40-50 hits per day from a Swedish Catholic blog... No idea what they are saying. I hope it is good!

  4. Spirit Daily hit me once for a thousand hits in a day.
    As for the Swedish Catholic blog,"I think it's the dog avatar."

  5. And these sacriligious murderers would be? Surely not the followers of Luther! Gasp!

  6. The dog is Japanese...

    Maybe he speaks swedish though... God knows he does not come when called when I speak English!

  7. Love it. When are you going to start solo bloging?

  8. My under-employment situation being what it is (I sub-contract)I knew that the time would come when I was more gainfully employed OR was working some @#$^ job at nights that had benefits... (The Olive Garden at 31 is humiliating, but the benefits are not)...

    That being the case, early on I planned for the eventuality that I would not be available for solo blogging... and opted to work with Fr. J and bring on other friends for the benefit of what readership I could build. I have discovered the developing readership in the blogosphere takes a commitment - day in and day out - to offering content that is not just at your whims. Blogs that are sporadic I quit reading and drop from my aggregator.

    In all honesty - call me falsely modest if you wish - I don't have the confidence or desire to be a "one man show". Some do that and do it well (you for example) but I like being in a group, and went I went "solo" (kinda) the first thing I wanted to do was bring Father J and some other voices with me. I liken it to being the publisher of a small, poorly read magazine - and I rather like it.

    I treasure the opportunity to work with other writers who are converts from Evangelicalism, a sub-deacon of the Assyrian Church who last sunday (along with his bishop and priests) became Catholic on Pentecost (Do you have a co-blogger who speaks Armaic!? :)), and a Maronite priest who writes from Lebanon and is building a beautiful shrine to Bl. Jakoub and Our Lady.

    In addition I am working on bringing several other unique voices on board from the Phillipines, South America, Scandanavia, Ukraine, Russia and Africa.

    So I would rather be the sometimes witless mastermind who acts in the role of being the "wooden spoon" who stirs the pot and brings all these voices together. It is such an exciting and amazing time to be Catholic... I could knock myself out trying to be impressive and keep my stats up, or I could put my effort into serving as an editor for voices as in the Catholic world that are singing in the new key of the New Evangelism.

    I rather like being an editor and would prefer to do that over writing posts myself. So many people smarter and far more interesting than I have things far more fascinating to say. I like creating a forum where they do just that.

    Now that I think about it, let me know when you are ready to join a blogging community!


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