Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Jesuit Cardinal Criticizes Left Wing Anti-Catholic Administration In Argentina

Posted by: Diogenes
Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio, the Archbishop of Buenos Aires, has been outspoken in critcism of the Argentine government. Now Madame President is slapping back:
Buenos Aires, May 15, 2008. CNA
The government of Cristina Kirchner has decided to "chastise" Church officials in Argentina for their criticism of its policies by announcing

it will cancel a 198 year-old tradition and replace the traditional Te Deum prayer of May 25 at the Cathedral of Buenos Aires with a "multi-religious" ceremony in northern Argentina.

Previously the Te Deum has traditionally been prayed at the Cathedral in Buenos Aires to mark important political changes that took place in the country on May 25, 1810. No Argentinean bishop has responded publicly to the decision by the Kirchner administration, but the president of Campus Ministry for Buenos Aires, Father Guillermo Marco -- who until recently was spokesman for the Archdiocese of Buenos Aires -- told Noticias Argentinas news agency that the move was in response to criticism of the administration by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio. Cardinal Bergoglio's protests against the maneuvering of the Kirchners -- especially as regards erosion of the rights of the Church -- have an extensive history.

So why isn't Bergoglio hailed as a prophet? Because the government whose excesses he opposes is not a right-wing government, whence the drama of conflict lacks the cinematic appeal that is essential to the story-line.

He's not prophetic; he's just an obstructionist with a miter. As it happens, Bergoglio is a Jesuit, although the Society of Jesus seems uncharacteristically bashful in its public congratulation of his efforts on behalf of the Church. Will he be picking up honorary degrees at Georgetown and Boston College this year? You make the call. GJBJ says, "Highly doubtful!"

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