Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Is America Magazine Fair Minded? Men For Others, Or Just Certain Others?

Christian group raps Jesuit critique of Israel
Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East, led by Sister Ruth Laut OP, denounced an editorial in America Magazine. Rev. Bruce Chilton of Bard College it is part of a trend that questions the legitimacy of the Jewish state.
Monday, May 19, 2008By Spero News
Christians for Fair Witness on the Middle East strongly rebuked the Jesuit-edited " America Magazine" for the editorial "Israel at 60" in its May 26 edition.
Saying that the editorial asks whether Israel can be both Jewish and a democracy, Rev. Dr. Bruce Chilton, an Episcopalian priest and the Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Religion at Bard College said "This is part of a disturbing trend to question the legitimacy of a Jewish state." . "Arab Israelis have equal rights under the law. That discrimination still exists is wrong and requires change -- but if the existence of discrimination against a minority population means that a nation is not a democracy, then there is no democracy on the face of the earth."

"That America ignores efforts like this calls its motives and judgment into question," according to Fr. James Loughran, a Roman Catholic priest and Director of the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute.

According to a statement released by Christians for Fair Witness, a poll commissioned by the Knesset Channel asked Israelis if as part of a negotiated agreement establishing a Palestinian state, there would be justification to demand that Arabs relocate to Palestinian territory. "That is quite different from a unilateral expulsion, which is what the America editorial implies. Why the willingness to latch onto any glimmer of a negative Israeli image and distort and magnify it for America's readers?" asks Sr. Ruth Lautt, OP, Fair Witness National Director. The poll, according to Fair Witness, showed that a majority of Israelis were either totally against relocation or believed that relocation should be based upon loyalty to the Jewish state or proximity to the new Palestinian state; 29 percent believed that all Arabs should relocate.

"America's attempt to paint inter-ethnic hostility as existing only on Israel's side is offensive to fair-minded people," says Rev. Dr. Peter Pettit of Muhlenberg College.

"In light of 60 years of declared war, one might ask how many Jews remain as voting citizens in neighboring Arab states. If Israelis see virtue in having current Israeli Arabs affiliate with a Palestinian state, is that anything more insidious than a pragmatic assessment of social bonding? If queried, where might a majority of Palestinians suggest that Jews live under a two-state solution? "

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