Friday, May 9, 2008

Black Robe Vs. The Mission

This is an interesting exchange between "Our Favorite Jesuit", Jesuit John the author of a great website entitled "Companion of Jesus". The blog authors of "Southern Appeal", a conservative issues oriented blog, the "SA" guys started talking about movies they liked. Topic: Black Robe vs The Mission


Email of the Day
Filed under: Movies By Feddie (Email) @ 8:09 pm
So, as many of y’all know, I also blog at the biggest and baddest conservative blog there is: RedState. Well, one of the major perks of being a RedState contributor is that I am allowed to participate in the ever-so exclusive RedState/VRWC email list. As you might expect, there are all sorts of interesting “conversations” that take place between the contributors on this email list, and today one of the fellas sent out an email listing “Ten Beautiful Films You May Not Have Seen.” With the permission of my co-blogger, Leon Wolf, I am publishing one snippet of our email exchange on this topic:
Feddie: Ooooh, and “The Mission.” Y’all simply must see the Mission. So very good. One of the best movies ever.
Leon: I also liked the movie, except that it left one with the impression that the Jesuits believe literally in Christ.
Heh. That cracked me up.

3 Rebel Yells to “Email of the Day”
Jesuit John Says: May 7th, 2008 at 11:09 pm
“except that it left one with the impression that the Jesuits believe literally in Christ.”
Cheap shot…
You should check out “Blackrobe” for a more historical approach.
Joe Says: May 8th, 2008 at 1:53 am
Feddie: I thought it was funny joke, but I went to a Salesian High School.
And please tell us the ten movies!
Feddie Says: May 8th, 2008 at 7:10 am
Jesuit John-
He wasn’t talking about old-school jesuits like you.


  1. Fr. Daniel Berrigan's book on his involvement as a Jesuit advisor in the filming of "The Mission" is worth a read. He touches on the historical veracity of the film, the egos of the actors, the laborius process in a poetic way.

    The salient part of "Black Robe" for me I confess, was the scene where the priest plays voyeur, possibly because I watched it with my girlfriend at the time. I remember her commenting " I wonder how she got that part?"

  2. I have not watched the "Black Robe" and I have not seen the mission in 20 years. But, I think without getting in the minutia of the plot. Hollywood getting into the subject matter was worth the effort.


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