Saturday, February 16, 2008

Quote Of The Day: "Our Mission Is To Announce What Christ Himself Announced"

"Liberal Christianity will not survive long and political correctness within the Christian environment is destined to die, I would like to warn you about the perils of liberal Christianity.
Today we can't talk about Christian morality because the standards of 'traditional' and 'liberal' Christians are dramatically different and the abyss between these two branches of Christianity is growing,
we are hearing from some Christian leaders that marriage between a woman and a man is not the only possible option for the creation of a Christian family, that there can be other type of couples and that the Church should be 'inclusive' by recognizing such lifestyles and grant them a solemn blessing. We have heard that the human life is a negotiable value, to the point that it can be aborted in the mother's womb. What has happened with Christianity? In a confused and disoriented world, where is the prophetic voice of Christians?
It is not our duty to defend sharia, promote alternative lifestyles or secularized values.
Our mission is to announce what Christ himself announced".

Russian Orthodox bishop Hilarion Alfeyev said during a conference addressing the Ecumenical Council of Churches at Geneva, Switzerland.

Link (here)

1 comment:

  1. I think the Catholic Church would benefit from having the Orthodox back, and with the Mystical Body finally being one again.


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