Saturday, February 16, 2008

The City And The World, On St. Claude La Colombiere, S.J.

In the Jesuit ordo, today is the Memorial of St. Claude La Colombière, a 17th-century Jesuit who spent most of his life in the Society as a spiritual director to religious women. Together with one of his directees, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, St. Claude played a key role in establishing and promoting devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Rather than repeat anything else that I wrote in last year's post on St. Claude La Colombière, I'll merely suggest that you visit the website of the Apostleship of Prayer. Continuing the ministry of prayer begun by St. Claude La Colombière and St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, the Apostleship of Prayer is perhaps one of the most popular Jesuit apostolates even if it is also one of the least visible. I won't say anything more about it than that, because I want to encourage you to visit the website and see for yourself. On another note, I'll be praying in a special way today for the aged and infirm Jesuits residing at the Colombiere Center, where I spent part of my hospital experiment as a novice. I invite you to join me in giving thanks to God for the ministry of these men, who pray daily for the needs of the Church and the Society of Jesus. AMDG.
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