Saturday, February 23, 2008

Mother Angelica Heads Back To France: "Go Repair My House"

In late August of 2007, the Poor Clares of Perpetual Adoration, set out to re-found their original monastery in Troyes, France. Eight sisters from our monasteries in the United States and India answered the call to come and help rebuild our 'little portion' of Notre Dame des Anges. We are most grateful to Bishop Marc Stenger for all that he has done to help us re-establish our community here. We hope you will enjoy seeing what's been happening in the last few months through this under-construction page. We will try to keep this updated until our monastery website is completed.
Link to Poor Clares in France site (here)
Yes, Americans are now sending back missionaries of a sort to Europe. The sisters in France now, represent the rebuilding of their order, where their order was established. People need to remember that Mother Angelica founded EWTN, in the heart of the deep South, in a diocese that is located in a place that is 2% Catholic, out of a "studio" built by cement blocks intended to be a garage. Not a very hopeful begining where one would expect success. They also need to remember that while she built EWTN from that humble begining, at the same time the USCCB was attempting to create a Catholic network beamed by sattelite to places that had a sattelite dish - a very hopeful begining, with their money and clout, where one would expect success. They utterly and unequivicobly failed - no two ways about it. She has been an unqualified success. No word just yet as to the future of EWTN en français... but I would expect it to happen sooner rather than later. I know it strains my charity a bit, but every time dissidents wince at the mention of Mother A's name, I just curl my toes.


Anonymous said...

Joseph I am a fan of GJ/BJ - have been for a while... I did not put two and two together when you left a comment...

I love the Jesuit saints and beati. The ones I dealt with in high school... not as big a fan. I think we see eye to eye on a lot of that!

Keep it up!

Joseph Fromm said...

Dear Simple Sinner,
Great catch On EWTN going to France. Some supporters say its to stodgy, the detractors call it non-true Catholicism. Two decades of self support and growing viewership, indicates stodgy and old school is good. EWTN is a big supporter of things Ignatian.
"Remember EWTN between our gas and electric bill".
