Friday, February 29, 2008
St. Francis Xavier, S.J. Life Set To Music

Convento De San Pedro Claver

Italian Jesuits Not Quite In Synch With Holy Father

CATEGORY: SESSIUNCULUM — Fr. John Zuhlsdorf @ 10:39 am
The provisions of Summorum Pontificum are meeting with resistance on the part of some diocesan bishops. However, the Motu Proprio also speaks of the role of religious major superiors. Some parishes are run not by diocesan priests, but by religious. While they are not entirely autonomous from the local bishop, they are very much influenced by the will of the superiors of the order or institute that take care of them. Some religious superiors are showing their real attitude toward the Holy Father, his provisions, the rights of the faithful and the Roman Rite.
"in all the churches in Italy cared for by the Company of Jesus, the Pope’s Motu Proprio cannot be applied and Masses in Latin cannot be celebrated, except for occasional events to be pastorally justified on a case by case basis"(naturally what those "pastoral" exigencies are are not specified). "In any case, " Fr. Remondini continues, "in no case can Mass in Latin have fixed or periodical term, even were it be to be only monthly as in the case of Sanremo."
New Provincal For Maltese Jesuits
Fr Paul Pace, S.J. was born in 1953, joined the Jesuits in 1977 and was ordained priest in 1983. He was University Chaplain and Lecturer in Moral Theology at the University of Malta, member of various Church and other Commissions, Superior and Provincial between 1996 and 2002, during which period he was also President of the Conference of Religious Major Superiors. He was also Director of the Jesuit Faith and Justice Centre and lately Director of Jesuit Refugee Service. Fr Pace will enter his office as Provincial on the 31st July 2008, Feast of St Ignatius Loyola. He succeeds Fr Paul Chetcuti S.J. Link (here)
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Joseph Koczera, S.J. On "Mi-Carême"

For 100 Years A Jesuit Winery

Each autumn from the 1888 to 1986, the novices of the California Province labored in the vineyards surrounding the Sacred Heart Novitiate in Los Gatos, harvesting grapes for the Jesuit winery. At one time, they picked enough fruit to produce 150,000 gallons of wine each year. Although some wine was sold commercially, the majority of it, especially during Prohibition, was altar wine used for sacramental purposes. Ever-increasing competitive pressure in the marketplace led to a decision to close the winery in 1986. (here)
Quote Of The Day: Mark Shea
New Provincial For The Detroit Province

Dick Russ
Father Timothy Kesicki, S.J., president of St. Ignatius High School in Cleveland since 2000, has been appointed leader of the Jesuits' Detroit Province. Kesicki's appointment was one of the first major decisions made by the newly-elected, worldwide leader of the Society of Jesus, Father Adolfo Nicholas, S.J. Before coming to Saint Ignatius, Kesicki, an Erie, Pa. native and John Carroll University graduate, taught at Jesuit schools in Detroit and served with the Jesuit Refugee Service in Uganda. He currently serves on the Board of Consultors to the Detroit Province's Jesuit provincial."It is with great sadness that I will say farewell to Saint Ignatius, but I am willing to serve the Jesuit Order in this noble work," said Kesicki, who will begin his new duties July 1. In selecting a school president, Father General Nicolás is utilizing a Jesuit with administrative experience to implement the new strategic directives of Jesuits in the United States. For the past five years, the U.S. Jesuits have planned a realignment process to reduce the number of provinces.
By streamlining their order, the Jesuits wish to place more Jesuit priests in schools and other ministries. Kesicki will work with other U.S. provincials in creating a consolidated province in the Midwest by 2020.
He also expanded student service throughout Cleveland with the development of
the St. Joseph of Arimathea Pallbearer Society and Labre Ministry,
The Shadowbrook Jesuit Seminary, Now A Pagan Religous Center

Shadowbrook connections (here) , (here) , (here) , (here) , (here) , (here) , (here) and (here)
Fr. William J. O' Halloran, S.J. "Rest In Peace"
Holy Cross is mourning Rev. William J. O’Halloran, S.J., special assistant to the College president, who died at Cape Cod Hospital, in Hyannis, on Tuesday, Feb. 26, 2008, after an illness. He was 80 years old.
said Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J., the fourth Holy Cross president under whom he served. “He helped to shape the Holy Cross of today, a first-rate liberal arts college that remains faithful to its Jesuit and Catholic mission and tradition. He embodied the values of loyalty and care that are such an important part of our community life. Everyone — staff, faculty, students and alumni — treasured his warmth, attentiveness and good humor.” The son of the late Dorothy M. (Keegan) and Frank T. O’Halloran, he was born in Springfield, Mass., on Nov. 26, 1927. A graduate of LaSalle Academy in Providence, R.I., Fr. O’Halloran entered the Society of Jesus in 1945. He did his novitiate and juniorate studies in ascetical theology and the ancient classics at Shadowbrook Jesuit Seminary, in Lenox, Mass. Fr. O’Halloran earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees, in philosophy, from Boston College and received his Ph.D., in psychology, from Fordham University.“The Holy Cross family lost a wonderful leader and friend with the passing of Fr. O’Halloran,”
Fr. O’Halloran was ordained to the priesthood in 1958, in Senlis, France, and took his final Jesuit vows in 1963 at Fordham University.Arriving at Holy Cross in 1963 as an assistant professor in the psychology department, Fr. O’Halloran was appointed the first chair of the department the following year. He also served as rector of the Jesuit Community at the College for six years. In 1976, Fr. O’Halloran became the sixth president of LeMoyne College in Syracuse, serving in this position until 1981 when he returned to Holy Cross to serve as director of relations with corporations and foundations. In 1984, he was appointed vice president of the College. He served in this office until he became special assistant to the president in 1998. In addition, Fr. O’Halloran served as a trustee of Boston College, College of the Holy Cross, LeMoyne College, Spring Hill College, Xavier University, Wheeling College, and Cheverus High School. A member of the Advisory Committee of the New York State Senate Committee on Higher Education, he was a trustee of the Commission on Independent Colleges and Universities of New York. He was also the managing editor of the Catholic Psychological Record and a member of the Rhode Island Honor Society, Eastern Psychological Association, Massachusetts Psychological Association (Fellow), Academy of Religion and Health, Sigma Xi, American Psychological Association, Alpha Sigma Nu Honor Society, and the Worcester Mental Health Planning committee.
A well-known presence on campus, Fr. O’Halloran frequently served as celebrant and homilist in St. Joseph Chapel. He was responsible for writing the memorable citations for the College’s honorary degree recipients at commencement, as well as those for staff members honored at the annual employee recognition awards ceremony. A Mass of Christian Burial will be celebrated on Tuesday, March 4 at 10:30 a.m. in St. Joseph Chapel on the Holy Cross campus. Calling hours will be held on Monday, March 3, from 7 to 9 p.m. in the Mary Chapel (lower level of St. Joseph Chapel). Interment will be in the College cemetery.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Buckley: Jesuit Educated
By Nancy Moran
Feb. 27 (Bloomberg) -- William F. Buckley Jr., the syndicated columnist and intellectual whose studied mannerisms, verbal flourishes and polemics energized the American conservative movement for a half-century, has died. He was 82. Buckley died overnight in his study in Stamford, Connecticut, according to the National Review Online. His son, Christopher, told the New York Times that Buckley had suffered from diabetes and emphysema, although the exact cause of death was not known. Buckley was found at his desk and might have been working on a column, his son said. ``If he had been given a choice on how to depart this world, I suspect that would have been exactly it: at home, still devoted to the war of ideas,'' said Kathryn Jean Lopez, editor of the Web site. His wife, New York socialite Patricia, died in April 2007. Buckley harnessed a belief in individual liberty, limited government and the defeat of communism into an organized voice of the right in the National Review, the biweekly opinion magazine he founded in 1955. He was also host of the Emmy Award-winning television program ``Firing Line'' for 33 years. ``I think it's a different country and world because of what he accomplished,'' William Rusher, publisher of National Review from 1957 to 1988, said in a phone interview today. Rebuke of Yale Buckley entered the political arena with the 1951 publication of ``God and Man at Yale,'' his first and best-known book. A rebuke of his alma mater for straying from its Christian roots, the book attacked the faculty as bent on secularism, collectivism and Keynesian economics over individualism and free- market capitalism. His libertarian ideals were shared by Arizona Senator Barry Goldwater, who went on to win the Republican nomination for president over Nelson Rockefeller in 1964 but lost the election to incumbent Lyndon Johnson. A year later, Buckley ran unsuccessfully for mayor of New York on the Conservative Party ticket. Much of what Buckley advocated came to pass with the election of Republican Ronald Reagan to two terms as U.S. president, the fall of the Soviet Union and the Republican Party's retaking of Congress in 1994. Reagan's Tribute Reagan, on the National Review's 30th anniversary, called Buckley a ``clipboard-bearing Galahad, ready to take on any challengers in the critical battle of point and counterpoint. And, with grace and humor and passion, to raise a standard to which patriots and lovers of freedom could repair.'' At the White House today, President George W. Bush called Buckley ``one of the finest writers and thinkers'' in the U.S. ``He brought conservative thought into the political mainstream and helped lay the intellectual foundation for America's victory in the Cold War and for the conservative movement that continues to this day,'' Bush said in a statement. ``He will be remembered for his principled thought and beautiful writing as well as his personal warmth, wit and generous spirit.'' While Buckley drew a legion of followers, he remained independent of the movement he helped create. He favored legalizing illicit drugs at a time when the U.S. had declared a ``War on Drugs,'' and in a Feb. 24, 2006, column called for President Bush to acknowledge defeat in the war in Iraq. In the 1970s, he sided with President Jimmy Carter on his plan to hand the Panama Canal back to Panama. He also lamented opposing the 1964 Civil Rights Act and, in a further criticism of the second President Bush, warned of the foreign-policy entanglements of so-called neoconservatives: ``The neoconservative hubris, which sort of assigns to America some kind of geo-strategic responsibility for maximizing democracy, overstretches the resources of a free country.'' `On the Right' Born into a wealthy Irish-Catholic family, Buckley acquired an erudite ease with both the spoken and written word. His use of unusual words, coupled with a New England prep-school drawl, came across as haughty to some, while an outward charm and urbane civility underlay his style of pointed public debate. His column, ``On the Right,'' was syndicated nationally in 1962 and appeared in some 300 newspapers. In 1966, he began ``Firing Line,'' pitting liberals against conservatives, in which he played both host and interlocutor. When U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy repeatedly refused to appear on the show, Buckley quipped: ``Why does baloney reject the grinder?'' Final Article ``Firing Line'' guests included Goldwater, author Norman Mailer, former President George H.W. Bush and liberal economist John Kenneth Galbraith. In his last article posted on the National Review Web site, dated Feb. 2, Buckley indulged in two favorite pastimes: jabbing Democrats and dissecting the use of the English language. ``Presidential candidates no longer even try to sound like the Lincoln-Douglas debates, yet it is not bad occasionally to subject them to such analysis, to learn what it is that is not being said,'' Buckley wrote, reviewing the Jan. 31 debate between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. ``The two performers in the debate struck the observant conservative as intelligent, resourceful and absolutely uninterested in the vector of political force,'' he wrote. Fluent in French and Spanish, Buckley's taste for the finer things in life extended to classical music and the wine he collected for his Stamford cellar. His greatest passion, sailing, was reflected in his ownership of five boats, four transoceanic trips and multiple races from Newport, Rhode Island, to Bermuda. Spy Novels Buckley published more than 40 books, including ``McCarthy and His Enemies'' in 1954 and 11 spy novels featuring a James Bond-like protagonist, Blackford Oakes, partly inspired by his own service with the Central Intelligence Agency. He professed a ``cognate aversion to boredom,'' and learned to fly a plane, descended in a submarine to survey the Titanic's remains and took annual ski trips to Gstaad, Switzerland, and Alta, Utah, where he hit the slopes with Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman. William Frank Buckley Jr. was born on Nov. 24, 1925, in New York, the sixth of 10 children. His father, a lawyer and oil baron, moved the family to Sharon, Connecticut, in 1923 after being expelled from Mexico City for his support of a revolution against President Alvaro Obregon. He lived in a large, white-columned home called ``Great Elm'' and spent leisurely summers riding horses and competing in sailing races. With five pianos and one organ in the house, the children grew into ``music addicts,'' Buckley wrote in his 2004 memoir, ``Miles Gone By.''
Boarding School
After early schooling in France and England, Buckley was sent in 1938 to St. John's, Beaumont, a Jesuit-run boarding school in Old Windsor, near London. He later wrote that the experience there fostered ``a deep and permanent involvement in Catholic Christianity.''
Buckley Versus Vidal A year later, both Buckley and Vidal wrote essays for Esquire magazine assailing each other. Vidal's lawsuit over Buckley's ``On Experiencing Gore Vidal'' was thrown out of court. Buckley's suit over Vidal's ``A Distasteful Encounter With William F. Buckley Jr.'' was settled in 1972 with an apology from the magazine and the payment of his legal costs. When Buckley ran for New York mayor in 1965, his main goal was to derail the candidacy of liberal Republican John Lindsay even if it meant sending votes to Democrat Abraham Beame. He wrote his own position papers to address a city plagued by the highest urban unemployment in the country, subway crime and a $256 million budget deficit. His proposals included adding to police ranks, ending school integration and relocating welfare recipients outside the city. Buckley's presence in the campaign was largely symbolic, reflected in his tongue-in-cheek approach to press conferences and public debates. When asked what he'd do if he won, Buckley gamely replied, ``Demand a recount.'' UN Delegate Buckley contributed articles to most major American literary and news publications, including the Atlantic Monthly, the New Yorker and the New York Times, and was the recipient of 31 honorary degrees. He served as a delegate to the UN in 1973 and in 1991 was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by the first President Bush. For most of his career, he averaged 70 public-speaking engagements a year. In the late 1980s and early '90s, Buckley played solo harpsichord with six different ensembles, including the Phoenix Symphony Orchestra and Yale Symphony Orchestra. He continued writing columns for the National Review after handing over his stock to a board of trustees in 2004. In a March 2006 interview with Charlie Rose, Buckley warned that the conservative movement was suffering from a ``certain sleepiness'' in the absence of a threat such as communism and the Soviet Union. Terrorism, he said, while affecting the ``whole corpus of America,'' was not an enemy that divided Democrats and Republicans. He also is survived by his grandchildren, Caitlin and Conor.
Jesuit Found Important Map

McClatchy Newspapers
The Library of Congress paid $10 million in 2003 for this 8- by 4-foot map, which now is the centerpiece of its “Exploring the Early Americas” exhibition.
Historians considered the 1507 map extinct until Jesuit researcher Josef Fisher discovered a mint-condition copy in 1901 while working in the castle library of Prince Waldburg-Wolfegg in Baden-Wurttemberg, Germany.It’s the world’s most valuable map by far, said William Reese, the owner of William Reese Co. of New Haven, Conn., a leading dealer of antiquarian maps.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Jesuit: "Fire Bomber"
Daniel Berrigan:
the rebel priest
Daniel Berrigan, who recently donated his entire personal library to DePaul’s Special Collections and Archives, was an unusual kind of priest. He burned draft files, wound up on the FBI’s Ten Most Wanted and was subequently sent to prison for his activism. Berrigan was born in the small town of Virginia, Minn. in 1921. He was ordained as a priest 31 years later, in 1952. In the 1950s, Berrigan and his brother Phillip were very active in the civil rights movement. In the 1960s, their attention turned to Vietnam. In early 1968, Berrigan traveled with Howard Zinn, an author and historian, to Vietnam to witness the release of three American prisoners of war. Berrigan wrote a book about his experience, made up of diary entries and poems, called "Night Flight to Hanoi." The experience let Berrigan see the horrors of war for himself, and inspired him to do more to protest the war.
Berrigan’s brother and three other men destroyed conscription files by pouring blood over them.Berrigan followed in his brother’s footsteps by joining with eight other men and burning the draft files of the Catonsville Draft Board, in Catonsville, Md. in May 1968.
Berrigan didn’t just pour gasoline on the files and strike a match; he burned the files using napalm, the same substance used to burn the jungle and villages during the Vietnam War.In a highly publicized trial, Berrigan was sentenced to three years in prison for his actions. Believing that what he did was an act of civil disobedience, not a crime that deserved time in prison, he fled on the day he was supposed to report to prison. While he tried to escape the FBI, he gave speeches protesting the war for four months. He was apprehended, and began his three-year sentence in August of 1970. During his prison sentence, Daniel wrote poems, letters and essays about the war.
After his release in 1972, Daniel moved to France and lived with Thich Nhat Hanh, a Buddhist monk whom he met when Hanh took a trip to the United States in 1966to inspire Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. to speak out against the war. During that time, the two men spoke often about social and religious topics, and recorded their conversations. The resulting book was called "The Raft is Not the Shore." Berrigan also recorded sermons about non-violence, a compilation of which is now called Berrigan Raps.
Berrigan now resides in a Jesuit community in New York.He has written over 50 books, volumes of poetry and a one-act play. He continues to protest war and injustice, and because of that, continues to get arrested. He had a close friend in University Ministry at DePaul in 1999, and therefore decided to donate his entire personal library, over 700 volumes, to the archives. This includes some of the poetry and letters he authored. He continues to donate new material every year. To see the Berrigan collection, or learn more about him, visit the Special Collections and Archives, Room 314 in the Richardson Library. The collection will be on display through fall quarter 2008.
This link has been changed
Monday, February 25, 2008
Castro Vs. Batista
Last summer, Castro announced a shut down of half of the country's sugar mills. "We had to act or face ruin," he explained. As he told NBC News just this week. "It cost us more to produce sugar than what we could sell it for."But if Batista bested Castro in virtually every broad socio-economic indicator, he paled in comparison when it came to controlling either the electoral process or the populace. Castro executed thousands of political opponents after he came to power, imprisoned tens of thousands and caused hundreds of thousands to flee to exile.
Where Batista won a disputed election, a Castro election leaves no room for dispute: Castro allows no opponents, no opposing viewpoints to appear in the press, and, because that might not be enough, his political machine ensures a good turnout by keeping tabs on who votes and who doesn't: In last Sunday's national election, Castro managed a 90%-plus "yes" vote, not quite as impressive as Saddam Hussein's 100% but, among dictators, respectable enough.Those who revile Batista often point to a decadent economy that relied on mafia-run casinos, prostitution and other demeaning jobs servicing tourists. Tourism was important under Batista - Havana was an east-coast alternative to Las Vegas, complete with the sex and gaming, and the same mafia owners - but never as important as tourism has become today.
Cuba's once diversified economy is gone and Castro is now putting all of his hopes in attracting tourists. To do this, Castro's Cuba now permits prostitution, it winks at sex tourism - tourist guide books even include sections on the country's once-taboo gay and bisexual scenes - and, as under Batista, the country unabashedly invests heavily in tourism.Earlier this year, Castro inaugurated a US$100-million resort on the island's northeastern coast, broadcast nationwide, to underscore the importance the government places on the new five-hotel complex of 944 rooms able to house 1,500 tourists. Tourism is now Cuba's No. 1 source of foreign income, with 1.6 million visitors generating about US$2-billion last year. More tourists come from Canada than from other important sources of foreign exchange, chiefly Germany, Britain, Italy, France, and Switzerland. Castro, like Batista, is eyeing one other important tourist market. "Our friends from the north are not in this list," Castro said with a grin, referring to Americans that can't travel to Cuba due to U.S. government regulations.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
Blog Watch: de Brantigny at "Le Fleur de Lys Too"

The Catholic Church keeps extensive records. It is theoretically possible for a Catholic to trace his of her family through Baptismal records. Unfortunately in countries devastated by conflict as was France or religious persecution as in England many of the records have been lost but the theory exists none the less. There is in existence one of the most valuable pieces of primary source material from the French colonial period of Canada. Written by Priests of the Jesuit Order between 1610 and 1791 these "Relations" describe in detail the unspoiled wilderness and people that inhabited it in the lands that would become Canada and much of the United States. It is impressive reading. It is offered online and I present links to it here in English...and here in French...de Brantigny
French Jesuits: The First In Vietnam

Jesuit Makes Statement In Phillipines That Carries Weight

By Fr. Joaquin G. Bernas, S.J.
MANILA, Philippines - Why have I not joined the clamor for the resignation of President Macapagal-Arroyo? The reason is not because I am of the same mind as the Assumption schoolmates of the President. Nor is the reason because I do not find Jun Lozada credible, even if he is a self-confessed sinner. I do. Neither is the reason because I believe Gen. Avelino Razon or Sec. Eduardo Ermita or Ignacio Bunye and other apologists of the President. I find that difficult to do. My simple reason is that I do not see her voluntarily relinquishing her office. President Ferdinand Marcos did not voluntarily leave office. He was ousted from office. Joseph Estrada did not voluntarily surrender his office. He was pressured out of it. Resignation is a voluntary act. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo will not resign. One clear lesson I am sure she has learned from the experience of Marcos and Estrada is that for her to leave office now would mean jumping from the frying pan into the fire. Out of office she loses her immunity from suit and she becomes fair game. I do not see her wanting to go into exile in Hawaii or to settle in her own Tanay.
Jesuit Educated Journalist Still Impacted By A Jesuit 40 Years Later
"Bella" Movie Producer Is Jesuit Educated And Former Seminarian

A former seminarian from the Archdiocese of Detroit, Malek grew up in Dearborn Heights, Michigan, and attended the University of Detroit Jesuit. Malek also attended Villanova University on a soccer scholarship, graduating magna cum laude with a degree in philosophy. Asked to be one of Villanova’s candidates for the Rhodes scholarship, Malek declined, having decided to enter Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit. After a year of studies, he was appointed to study at the Pontifical North American College in Rome. After withdrawing from the seminary, Malek was asked to start and direct a non-profit organization in Hollywood called Holy Wood of the Cross; he is now chairman of the board. Malek caught the producing bug from his soon-to-be-partners at Origin Entertainment in December 2004. He executive produced the high concept sci-fi thriller Black Box, scheduled for winter release. Malek founded a talent management company in December 2005 and soon merged the company into Origin Entertainment. His pool of up-and - coming actors, writers and directors – including writers Barbara Nicolosi and Charlie Carner – forms the core of the Origin Management Group. To help provide the widest possible audience for Origin films, Malek helped found and finance The Maximus Group, a full-service marketing and PR firm specializing in reaching out to the specifically Catholic-Christian market. Malek’s first completed film, Bella, won the People’s Choice award at the 2006 Toronto Film Festival. Malek is scheduled as producer on Origin’s upcoming children’s fantasy adventure, Lucky & Plumpton.
Jesuit Priest Stands Up To Marxist Dictator In Venezuela

DANGEROUS TERRITORY: Father Acacio Belandria of El Nula, Venezuela, holds a pastoral letter he wrote to government officials last year warning of the increased presence of Colombian rebels in his rural parish. He did not receive a response. Border residents accuse the foreigners of extortion and killings. Hugo Chavez denies giving the leftist guerrillas free rein.
By Chris Kraul, Los Angeles Times 02- 24-08
EL NULA, VENEZUELA -- Father Acacio Belandria says openly what others in this run-down town in southwestern Venezuela are afraid to: Colombian rebels are all over the place.
The 78-year-old Jesuit priest says his parishioners are increasingly complaining of extortion, kidnapping threats and killings by the leftist guerrillas, and that Venezuelan armed forces and President Hugo Chavez are either unable or unwilling to stop them.
But Colombian and U.S. government officials also are convinced that the leftist Chavez tolerates the rebels in Venezuelan territory for political purposes. Corrupt Venezuelan authorities also are suspected of being involved in drug trafficking activities with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, the largest Colombian rebel group.
Residents in other communities along the frontier are making similar complaints about rebel activities. In neighboring Tachira state, gubernatorial candidate and Chavez opponent Leomagno Flores said 68 residents were being held for ransom by Colombian rebels operating on the Venezuelan side of the border and that Chavez was doing nothing to stem the wave of kidnappings.
The president of Venezuela's cattlemen's association, Genaro Mendez, said this month that 34 members were kidnapped in January alone by Colombian rebels in border states. He called on Chavez to "recognize the problem." The tenor of discontent has risen as Chavez, a strident critic of President Bush, has expressed admiration for Colombian rebels and their leaders; his beliefs that the FARC and the ELN should be treated as "belligerents," not terrorists; and his contention that parts of Venezuela's southern and western borders run up not against Colombia, as any modern map would indicate, but with territory belonging to the FARC.
"The rebels live and move clandestinely but are very present in the countryside," he said. "There is no court or prosecutor here, so the rebels serve that judicial function, intervening in family problems, settling property and business disputes." They recruit Venezuelan youths, whom they "seduce with promises," and check on what schoolteachers are telling the children, Belandria said.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Mother Angelica Heads Back To France: "Go Repair My House"
Catholic Church In The US On The Rise, Over A Half A Million New Members In Past Year
List of the top 25 Churches in the US
1. The Catholic Church – 67,515,016
2. Southern Baptist Convention – 16,306,246
3. The United Methodist Church – 7,995,456
4. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints – 5,779,316
5. The Church of God in Christ – 5,499,875
6. National Baptist Convention, U.S.A., Inc. – 5,000,000
7. Evangelical Lutheran Church in America – 4,774,203
8. National Baptist Convention of America, Inc. – 3,500,000
9. Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) – 3,025,740
10. Assemblies of God – 2,836,174
11. African Methodist Episcopal Church – 2,500,000
12. National Missionary Baptist Convention of America – 2,500,000
13. Progressive National Baptist Convention, Inc. – 2,500,000
14. The Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LCMS) – 2,417,997
15. Episcopal Church – 2,154,572
16. Churches of Christ – 1,639,495
17. Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America – 1,500,000
18. Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc. – 1,500,000
19. The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church – 1,443,405
20. American Baptist Churches in the U.S.A. – 1,371,278
21. United Church of Christ – 1,218,541
22. Baptist Bible Fellowship International – 1,200,000
23. Christian Churches and Churches of Christ – 1,071,616
24. The Orthodox Church in America – 1,064,000
25. Jehovah’s Witnesses – 1,069,530
Link (here)
Jesuit To Preach Mission At Parish

Jesuit Mission In Old Mexico, Now Arizona

In addition to his pastoral activities as a missionary, Eusebio Kino also practiced other crafts, and was an expert astronomer, mathematician and cartographer, who drew the first accurate maps of Pimería Alta, the Gulf of California and Baja California. Father Kino enjoyed making model ships out of wood.
Former Jesuit Is Now A Former Priest
By Karoun Demirjian
Tribune reporter
February 23, 2008
A Jesuit priest convicted of molesting students at a Chicago-area Catholic school in the 1960s was officially defrocked Friday.
Donald J. McGuire has been permanently removed from all clerical functions, said a statement from Rev. Edward Schmidt, the head of the Chicago order of the Society of Jesus to which McGuire belonged."We are outraged and saddened that any abuse ever took place," Schmidt said. "[McGuire] has terribly abused the trust [the victims], and we, put in him. And the church, by the action taken today, has demonstrated that same belief." McGuire, a popular priest whose accolades included being a spiritual adviser to Mother Teresa, was convicted in 2006 of molesting two students from Loyola Academy in Wilmette in the 1960s. He also has been accused of molesting others on various occasions from the 1960s through 2002.
Though they welcomed news of McGuire's removal from the priesthood, attorneys and advocates for the victims said it was more symbolic than substantive."In the scheme of things, it's little consolation to those kids and families whose lives and souls have been ruined and betrayed by the leadership as well as McGuire," said Jeff Anderson, a lawyer who has represented five of the priest's accusers. "It's a beginning, but it's just so little, so late." Defrocking has been advocated by bishops in recent years as a means of punishing clergy found to have abused children, but it's not a simple procedure. Priests who do not voluntarily leave the cloth -- as McGuire did not -- must be forced out by official order from the Vatican. McGuire, 77, lives in Oak Lawn and travels frequently to Cleveland for medical treatment. A lawyer for McGuire said he was saddened by the news of his dismissal.
Friday, February 22, 2008
America Magazine Is Into Domains
Former Jesuit Under Investigation In Maine And Massachusetts
The allegation was first reported to church officials in Boston in March 2007 by a Massachusetts resident who claims to have been abused in the early 1980s at the ages of 15 to 17.
After serving in the Fall River Diocese until 1986, Lebel was transferred to Maine by his religious order, the Society of Jesus. In 1991, he left his religious order and became a diocesan priest in Portland,
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Diogenes On Jesuit Translations
Posted by: Diogenes - Today 2:32 PM ET USA
Pope Benedict delivered a stern, no-nonsense message to Jesuit leaders on February 21. The CWN coverage of the Pope's talk was not terribly different from the accounts carried here and here and even here. If you read Italian, or if the Vatican eventually posts a translation, you can find the full text here, and judge for yourself. The Holy Father's intention was unmistakable. Leaders of the Society of Jesus have done their best to downplay the tension between the Jesuit order and the Vatican.
The new superior general suggested that the perception of a rift between the Jesuits and the Pope is a myth created by the mass media. Pope Benedict was fairly blunt in acknowledging that the problem is real.You might think that when the Pope chooses to send a strong message, the Vatican press office would be careful to convey that message. But curiously, if you read the official summary and excerpts provided by the Vatican Information Service, the severity of the Pope's message doesn't come through to English-language readers.
Make of it what you will.
Fessio In Depth
A: Well, I've never been a 'new springtime' enthusiast. The Church waxes and wanes and I think we're in a very wintery state right now. I do think that there are many signs of hope in the United States, but I do not see those signs of hope as strongly in Europe. I think Europe is under severe demographic pressure, and how it cannot become an Arabic/ Islamic state, I don't really know humanly speaking. This is not the case in the United States. We've got immigration coming in from the south, Christians and even Catholics. So, when it comes to the 'new springtime' I never got that optimistic. I prefer the view that Benedict expressed when he was Cardinal.
He sees in the near term future of the Church a committed minority willing to accept being marginalized and even disdained by the world to live and proclaim the Teaching of our Savior who came as a lamb among wolves and who himself was opposed by those he was trying to reach.So, the future of world history, or even the city we live in is not in our hands. What we can try to do is be faithful ourselves to the truths that have been revealed to the Church of Christ and do this through radio, blogs, television, writing, through our friendships, and pray that God will make of that mustard seed something which will become a large tree. Right now we're trying to get that mustard seed in through the cracks of the sidewalk and asphalt and hope for a good rain to help to crack things open.
St. John Ogilvie, S.J. "Martyr"
A group of generous Spaniards, including the MD of Barcelona FC, has donated a statue of the Black Madonna to St Aloysius' Church in Glasgow. The statue - a copy of the original in Montserrat in Spain - has been blessed and placed on the Lady Altar of the church. The Black Madonna, or the Virgin of Montserrat to give it its full title, is a statue of the Virgin Mary and the Infant Christ venerated at the Monastery of Santa María de Montserrat in the Montserrat Mountains in Catalonia. It is a Romanesque sculpture in wood from the late 12th century. In March 1522, Ignatius of Loyola - having recovered from his battle wounds - visited the Benedictine monastery and prayed before this image of Our Lady. Meanwhile, St Aloysius Church is also preparing for a special Mass for the Feast of St John Ogilvie on 10 March, who is Scotland's only Jesuit martyr and only post-reformation saint. At the 12.30pm Mass, the Chancellor of the Archdiocese (or someone nominated by him) will bless a plaque at the National Shrine to St John Ogilvie which is in the church. The Shrine was built in 1933, just a few years after his Beatification in 1929. John Ogilvie - originally from Banffshire in Scotland - entered the Society of Jesus in 1608 and was ordained a priest in Paris in 1610. He begged his superiors to send him back to Scotland to minister to the few remaining Catholics in the Glasgow area and eventually returned to Scotland in November 1613 disguised as a soldier. He preached in secret and celebrated Mass clandestinely in private homes. But within the year, he was betrayed and arrested in Glasgow and imprisoned in Paisley. Despite severe torture, he refused to disclose the names of local Catholics and was convicted of high treason. On 10 March 1615, aged 36 years, John Ogilvie was paraded through the streets of Glasgow and hanged at Glasgow Cross. He was canonised by Pope Paul VI in 1976.
Quote Of The Day: Pope Benedict XVI
These Are Your Orders
Vatican, Feb. 21, 2008 (CWNews.com) - Pope Benedict XVI (bio - news) gave the world's Jesuits a pointed reminder of their oath of fidelity, during a February 21 audience with participants in the 35th general congregation of the Society of Jesus. Meeting with the Jesuit leaders as they concluded their general congregation-- at which they had elected a new superior general, Father Adolfo Nicolas-- the Holy Father stressed that
the Jesuit order today should act "in full fidelity to the original charism."
St. Ignatius' demand that his followers should always work "with the Church and in the Church."
All members of the Society of Jesus, he said, should "adhere completely to the Word of God as well as to the magisterium’s charge of conserving the truth and unity of Catholic doctrine in its entirety."
the Jesuit order must tackle the challenge and "regain a fuller understanding of your distinctive 'fourth vow' of obedience to the Successor of Peter."
The Pope encouraged the Jesuits to continue their work among the poor, but cautioned that this work should not be politicized.
General Reporting For Duty
"What Inspires and Impels Us Is the Gospel and the Spirit of Christ"
ROME, FEB. 21, 2008 (Zenit.org).- Here is a translation of the greeting Father Adolfo Nicolás addressed to Benedict XVI on behalf of the members of the order's 35th General Congregation, who were received in audience by the Pope today.The General Congregation has been meeting in Rome since Jan. 7.* * *